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哈罗,工长。你好吗?Hello, Foreman. How are you?

喂,领班为什么把你炒了?Say, why did the foreman fire you?

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他们恨透了那个可恶的工头。They hate that beast of a foreman.

他们恨透了那个狼心狗肺的工头。They hated that beast of a foreman.

848年,他是一个建筑工头。In 1848--He was a construction foreman.

但是,福尔曼属于另外的百分之20。But Foreman was in the other 20 percent.

这是工长要求我这么干的。It is the foreman who asked me to do so.

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那天便是拳王智烤炉诞生的日子。That day the George Foreman grill was born.

工头说我把其他工人吓着了。The foreman said I scared the other workers.

工头总是对工人骂骂咧咧。The foreman is always swearing at the workers.

工头又雇佣了十多个人作泥瓦匠。The foreman took on ten more men as bricklayers.

这些人的领导人是总工长。The chief of these people is the general foreman.

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福满是我的新宠,从今开始我会喜欢福满。Foreman is my new love and Foreman I shall love now.

1952年,他出生于列宁格勒,父亲是一个工厂的领头。He is born in Leningrad to a factory foreman in 1952.

我们的领班不给我茶休的时间。Our bloody-minded foreman wouldn't give us a tea break.

工头用最肮脏的语言辱骂工人。The foreman abused the workmen in the foulest language.

米特森医生说,他的大部分病人的情况都比福尔曼的好。Metson says most of his patients do better than Foreman.

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大家都避开那个工头,他的行为像个凶狠的老板。Everybody avoids the foreman. He acts like a Simon Legree.

你好,我是铁工领班,我负责这项工作。Hello, I'm the foreman of fitter, I'm in charge of this job.

“我想,'好吧,可能我只是太胆小了,'”福尔曼说。"I thought, 'OK, so I'm just being scared, ' " Foreman says.