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维拉维塔的生命置于阴凉处温泉斯隆街沙龙坚决。The Vila Vita Vital Spa puts Sloane Street salons firmly in the shade.

维拉维索萨继续参观公爵宫,回到里斯本。Continue to Vila Vicosa to visit the Ducal palace and return to Lisbon.

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葡萄牙建筑师安娜斯雷斯已经完成了家庭内部的维拉诺瓦盖亚日,葡萄牙。Portuguese architect Ana Reis has completed a family house in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.

比利亚像以往一样为国家队打进入球,这一次他攻破的球门是英格兰。Vila formerlyequaly sneaked in the goal for the national sports team, this time he scored against Eng-land.

里约热内卢,一位「伊莎贝拉村森巴舞学校」的成员走过嘉年华会的装饰花车前。A member of the Vila Isabel samba school walks past a decorative carnival float in Rio de Janeiro, February 21, 2006.

他们在巴西里约最臭名昭著的贫民窟,与当地青年合作,实现了两幅巨大的壁画。Their efforts yielded two murals which were painted in Vila Cruzeiro, Rio's most notorious slum, in collaboration with local youth.

葡萄牙队2008年,发生在上周末皇马维拉在赛道的状况很难和颠簸,导致大量的灰尘。The Portuguese Cup 2008, took place last weekend at Vila Real where track conditions were hard and bumpy which resulted in a lot of dust.

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巴西城市里约热内卢警方称,他们已经完全控制了维拉克鲁塞罗贫民区,继续对暴力贩毒团伙进行…Police in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, say they now have total control of the Vila Cruzeiro shanty town, as they continue a crackdown on violent drug gangs.

巴西城市里约热内卢警方称,他们已经完全控制了维拉克鲁塞罗贫民区,继续对暴力贩毒团伙进行镇压。Police in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, say they now have total control of the Vila Cruzeiro shanty town, as they continue a crackdown on violent drug gangs.

该桑迪科夫,步骤通过访问切成维塔帝的悬崖的维拉从花园,是放松的绝佳场所,允许后代。The sandy cove, accessed via steps cut into the cliffs from the gardens of the Vila Vita Parc, is the perfect spot for relaxation, offspring permitting.

巴西城市里约热内卢警方称,他们已经完全控制了维拉克鲁塞罗贫民区,继续对暴力贩毒团伙进行镇压。Police in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, say they now have total control of the Vila Cruzeiro shanty 1 town, as they continue a crackdown on violent drug gangs.

清远市别墅群环抱的中心绿地设计成"唐风禅境"立意的古典园林"沁园",使业主享受园居生活。The green space in the center of the Vila Area of Qingyuan is designed into a classical garden "Qinyuan", which offered a pleasant environment for the residents.

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比利亚像以往一样为国家队打进入球,这一次他攻破的球门是英格兰。Vila formerlyequaly sneaked in the goal for the national sports team, this time he scored against Eng-land. "Elguaje" continual six competition goal, this is his honor.

在这里,既有维拉港和卢甘维尔的大型的豪华度假村,又有小型的,建筑在小岛上的家庭式平房。There is accommodation ranging from large luxury resorts in the major centres of Port Vila or Luganville through to small local family-owned bungalows on the outer islands.

据美国地质勘探局地震信息网消息,此次地震震源深度为59.4公里,震中位于首都维拉港以南约160公里。According to the U. S. Geological Survey earthquake information network news, the earthquake focal depth of 59.4 km, epicenter located in the capital about 160 km south of Port Vila.