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我们有了一个团队。We have one team.

一个战斗队是个集体。An Army is a team.

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培养您的团队。Educate your team.

我们队胜利了。Our team to victory.

天龙特攻队。第1季全。The A Team season 1.

天龙特攻队。第2季全。The A Team season 2.

天龙特攻队。第4季全。The A Team season 4.

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团队寂静无声。The Team was silent.

谁是总领队?Who is Team Captain?

目前最好的球队?Gfx Best team so far?

姚明目前拥有大鲨鱼队。He now owns the team.

我们这个队是最好的。Our team is the best.

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营救队待命。Stand by rescue team.

这是一支女子球队。The team is for girls.

那一队在赢紧?Which team is winning?

你们有一个梦之队。You have a dream team.

凯尔特人也是个好球队。Celtic are a good team.

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我敢断我们的队能获胜。I bet our team wil win.

我懒不懒,与你这厮有何干系?I owe this to our team.

一个战斗队是个集体。Now, an army is a team.