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Leach现在在阿拉斯加做律师。Leach is now working as an attorney in Alaska.

本试验采用冷浸法提取狗舌草中总黄酮。The cool leach method was applied in the experiment.

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利奇先生在休假,没空作评论。Mr. . Leach is on holiday and was not avaiable for comment.

采用氧化亚铁硫杆菌从镍黄铁矿中浸出镍。Thiobacillus ferrooxidans are used to leach Ni from nicopyrite.

Sigg说它的从前的水壶并不会渗出BPA。但是,他们到底有多安全呢?Sigg says its old bottles didn't leach any BPA. But, how safe are they?

苏打会从你的骨骼中汲取钙最终导致骨质疏松症。Soda will leach the calcium out of your bones and promote osteoporosis.

含砷浸出液经石灰乳沉砷后可返回浸出工序重复使用。The leach solution can be reused after arsenic precipitation with ciml milk.

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但这些化学物质可能会从PVC中挥发或滤出,从而对儿童构成危险。These chemicals can evaporate or leach out of PVC, posing risks to children.

李区表示︰「此时你必须在娃娃的背上插入钥匙。」"At this point, you must insert a key-card in the baby's back, " Leach said.

另外一个需要单独加以考虑的问题是,一些金属或者化合物会渗入卤水。A separate problem may be that some metals or chemicals leach into the brine.

而且,Leach对CEO们更多不寻常的娱乐也非常熟悉。However, Leach is also familiar with some of the more unusual pastimes of CEOs.

重金属潜在可能从固体废物填埋场浸出作出贡献。Contribute to heavy metals that potentially may leach from solid waste landfills.

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当这些叶片被沏成茶时,这些矿物质会进入茶汤中。When the leaves are brewed for tea, some of the minerals leach into the beverage.

研究了助浸剂柠檬酸的助浸效果及其作用机理。The leach aiding effect and action mechanism of leach aid agent citric acid are studied.

不使用增塑剂,也意味着它不会释放出有害化合物。Not having plasticizers also means it will not leach out hazardous compounds in the field.

在这一事件中,当利奇看到工作室罐理惠的,他认为应该留在那里。In the event, when Leach saw the jar in Rie's studio, he decided that it should remain there.

彭比纳研究所认为,一些尾矿池中的废水渗入地下,但渗入地下的废水量有多少尚不清楚。Some of them leach their waste into the ground, says Pembina, although how much is uncertain.

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一旦下雨,这些化学品即可滤出,从而污染垃圾填埋场地界以外的地下水。Rain can leach out these chemicals and contaminate ground water beyond the landfill boundaries.

细菌浸出法是利用某些微生物及其氧化产物溶浸矿石中的有用金属的一种新工艺。Bioleaching is a new technology using microorganism and its oxidizing product to leach useful metals.

拟议的堆浸设施对低质铀矿石的恢复工作正处于政府审查过程中。A proposed heap leach facility to recoveruranium from low grade ore is undergoing governmental reviews.