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你的意识是具有神圣创造性的。Your consciousness is divinely creative.

因此你会认为它曾经是得到神明允许的You can therefore assume it was divinely sanctioned.

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你们每时每刻都被神圣指引着。You are all being Divinely guided within each moment.

她不但唱歌唱得像天使一样,而且跳舞也跟天仙一般。She not only sings like an angel, but also dances divinely.

唯有浸礼和主餐是神命定的圣礼。The only divinely ordained sacraments are baptism and the Lord's Supper.

因为某人若说他们的话是神的旨意,但实际上并不真的是。Just because someone says their text is divinely inspired doesn’t mean it is.

对他们而言,这是赋予他们的庄严使命,不管其他国家怎么想。For them, it is a divinely granted destiny no matter what other nations think.

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他现在知道这个犹大人似乎得著神的护祐,他不能加害于他。Now he knew he could never touch this Jew who seemed to be divinely protected.

它不提供本身作为一个以该神祝圣的机构。It does not offer itself as a substitute of that divinely ordained institution.

后裔十分爱他美若天仙的妻子,他不忍心将她从月亮上射落。Hou Yi loved his divinely beautiful wife so much, he refused to shoot down the moon.

这是神圣的转变,伴随着你们的星球、你们的太阳系和你们自己。It is being divinely transformed, along with your planet, your solar system, and you.

先知的话语感情炽烈,若受神启,但除此之外,还有什么能佐证确有来世?What evidence beyond the Prophet's blazing and divinely inspired words proves that there is a next?

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我们确信这一点,因为你们的道路已经被神所颁布,光的势力将确保它成功。Of this we are certain as your path has been divinely decreed, and the forces of Light will ensure success.

你们寻求了帮助,而我们就在这里回应着那请求,而且我们拥有者神圣权力来与你们取得接触。You asked for help and we are here to answer that call, and we have been divinely authorized to contact you.

这是神圣的旨意,必将如计划的一样发生,而且会在二元周期结束后很长一段时间内继续。That is divinely decreed and will take place as planned, and will continue long after the cycle of duality has finished.

这是真实的,神圣的角度去在一个更高的观点使其发生,由于处在2012年12月21日的这个充满力量的校准之中。It is real and divinely decreed to take place with a high point due to the powerful alignment on the 21st. December 2012.

那姑娘以一种天仙似的羞恼动作,连忙把裙袍拂下去,但是他并没有因此而息怒。The young girl had hastily thrust down her dress, with a divinely troubled motion, but he was none the less angry for all that.

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神所制定与描绘的职事和教会法庭是存在的,它们具有教导、牧养、和司法的权柄。There are divinely prescribed and described offices and ecclesiastical courts with teaching, ministerial, and judicial authority.

后来,他说到他的落第是神的安排,要保证他遇到基督徒牧长们并找到耶稣的救恩。He later said that his failures were divinely arranged to ensure he met the Christian fathers and found salvation in Jesus Christ.

有翼的太阳圆盘已经在神恩典的国王上面闪耀着它的恩典,它已经作为伊朗荣耀的保护者而展开了双翅。The winged sun-disc has shone its grace down upon divinely gifted kings, and it has spread its wings as protector of the glory of Iran.