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到1965年,这些动物已显示出库鲁病具有传染性。By 1965 they had shown that kuru was transmissible.

库鲁病与吃人习惯之间的联系似乎是相当清楚了。The link between kuru and cannibalism seemed clear enough.

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名穆斯林死亡的宗教暴力后,尼日利亚人开始离开该城。Nigerians flee the city of Kuru Karama on Thursday after religious violence reportedly killed 150 Muslims.

那152名死于库鲁病的法尔人都不携带该基因,这说明该基因几乎完全不受库鲁病的感染。None of the 152 victims of kuru had the protective gene, suggesting that it provides almost complete resistance to the disease.

日本冲绳县“美丽之海”水族馆的一只名叫“库鲁”的海豚竟然练就了一身“跳高”的本事,从巨大的玻璃缸中翻出。A dolphin named Kuru at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Japan took a valiant leap over the edge of a viewing tank during a performance.

乌兹别克斯坦的库鲁夫奇首回合客场2-2与伊朗联赛冠军塞帕战和。Uzbekistan's kuru husband wonderful first round away game 2-2 fill the handkerchief with the Iranian league tournament champion to fight with.

宵禁发生在周二——即报道称袭击发生当天——Jos周日突发暴力事件并伴随着骚乱后。A curfew was imposed Tuesday -- the same day as the reported attack in Kuru Karama -- in Jos after violence flared up there following unrest on Sunday.

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搜狐体育讯乌兹别克斯坦的库鲁夫奇首回合客场2-2与伊朗联赛冠军塞帕战和。The Sohu sports news Uzbekistan's kuru husband wonderful first round away game 2-2 fill the handkerchief with the Iranian league tournament champion to fight with.

英国每日邮报9日报道,日本冲绳县“美丽之海”水族馆的一只名叫“库鲁”的海豚竟然练就了一身“跳高”的本事,从巨大的玻璃缸中翻出。According to Daily Mail of July 9, a dolphin named Kuru at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Japan took a valiant leap over the edge of a viewing tank during a performance.

在本课程中,我们将分析包括了牛海绵体样脑病,克雅氏症,以及库鲁病的朊蛋白疾病的分子和生化的成病基础。In this course, the molecular and biochemical basis of the prion diseases, which include bovine spongiform encephalopathy, Creutzfedt-Jakob disease and kuru will be examined.