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对我们来说,渗透本身就是一个问题。For us the fact of infiltration itself is a problem.

浸润重的易合并出血。Severe infiltration often complicated with hemorrhage.

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在熔岩或集块岩上有渗漏中心存在。There are infiltration center on lava and agglomerates.

空气中若有若无浸润着湿气和腥味。The air infiltration of moisture and not much, if any smell.

附属器周围亦有明显炎细胞浸润。Around adnexal inflammatory cell infiltration is also evident.

LNM程度与肿瘤长度、浸润深度呈正相关。The LNM varied with the length and infiltration of the lesion.

并且日益在高中地理教材中渗透。And increasingly in high school geography textbooks infiltration.

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另一例肾脏嗜酸细胞腺瘤脂肪浸润。Another case of oncocytoma showing infiltration of perinephric fat.

土地毛管渗滤系统对生活污水具有较好的处理效果。Land infiltration systems have an effective treatment on pollutants.

加入与介质结合力不强的元素铝,有阻碍介质渗入和扩散的作用。We add the Al element to prevent medium's infiltration and diffusion.

美国文化的实质是自由与扩张。Demonization is an infiltration of American culture and value outlook.

偶尔传来一两声猫头鹰的啸叫,听起来怪渗得慌。Occasionally heard the sound or owl howl, that sounds so infiltration.

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活动期病变可见较多中性白细胞浸润。In active stage considerable infiltration of neutrophil cells was seen.

如仍无效,可查分泵是否渗入空气。If still does not work, can check whether the infiltration of air wheel.

血管增生伴泡沫状组织细胞浸润。Proliferated vessels were associated with foamy macrophages infiltration.

随着我们的向前推进,您对他们的军事渗入有何看法?And what concerns do you have about their infiltration as we move forward?

电信公司也改变了他们的习惯做法来阻止渗透活动。Wireless carriers are also revamping their practices to deter infiltration.

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主要病理改变为水肿、炎症细胞浸润和充血。The changes mainly were edema, hyperemia and inflammatory cell infiltration.

堵塞问题是污水渗滤土地处理系统经常遇到的。Clogging problem is often met in wastewater infiltration land treating systems.

而正是从这些一般的行为规范上我们才更能看出佛教渗入中国文化的深度。From all these, we can see the breadth and depth of the infiltration of Buddhism.