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不可用亵渎的语言。Do not use profanity.

首先,这是对语言的亵渎。To begin with, it’s a profanity of language.

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片中有人物未到年龄喝酒、性场景和亵渎言语等。It includes under-age drinking, sexual situations and profanity.

在大西洋大道或木板路上口出秽言是违法的。It is illegal to use profanity on Atlantic Avenue or the boardwalk.

当你喝醉坐下说话的时候将不能口出秽言。You no longer spout profanity when talking about sitting while drunk.

种族主义是一种亵渎,在境界的逻辑和境界的人性。Racism is a profanity in the realm of logic and in the realm of humaneness.

发誓。有些系统会优先处理说过大不敬的话的人。Swear. Some systems put anyone who is using profanity at the front of the line.

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要知道,在这世界上再没有比这样一位不满上帝的老头更有趣的存在了。Remember, there is nothing funnier on earth than an old man who likes profanity.

问题是,这种猥亵语如果过度使用,会让很多人感到不舒服。The problem is that when profanity is overused, it makes many people uncomfortable.

他因其亵渎的语言—在当时很罕见—而多次被捕。His use of profanity -- rarely done at that time -- got him arrested numerous times.

你需要保持一种聪慧的交谈,不要使用亵渎的、冒犯的语言。You need to hold an intelligent conversation and not use profanity or offensive language.

他答应戒掉吸烟,嚼烟,渎烟,一日当着会员,一日不破戒。He promised to abstain from smoking, chewing, and profanity as long as he remained a member.

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最近我们收到一个显示你在PG网站参与了亵渎回贴的电邮。We have recently received an email showing that you have engaged in posting profanity on PG site.

我们在对粗俗话语的反应不可自命清高。Our response to profanity and unacceptable speech should not be an occasion for self-righteousness.

而且,叽叽喳喳的女人也不受欢迎——尤其对那些讨厌脏话的男人而言。Also girls who abuse too much maybe a turn off, especially if the guy himself refrains from profanity.

作者用网络语言极为生动地把小月月的极品行为展示在读者面前,激起了读者对于他人隐私以及亵渎行为的窥探欲。The writer vividly describes her in a way which arouses netizens’ curiosity about privacy and profanity.

忌语其实还是有它的功劳的,但讲太多就不好了。In the end, profanity does have its place, except if you say it too much, they will just become annoying.

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照片内容不作任何限制,但是照片中必须有你的身影,并且你的问题不能包含任何亵渎的成分。There are no rules for the photo, except that you must be in it, and your question cannot include profanity.

这名模特儿发出尖叫,后方一名身穿背面写有西班牙亵渎字句T恤的男子,赶紧趋前帮忙。The model yelped as a man wearing a T-shirt with a Spanish profanity written on the back rushed over to help.

总之,含有夸张效果的咆哮体能够导致误解和各种各样的亵渎。To conclusion, the roaring genre, with exaggeration in itself, can carry a misunderstanding as well as profanity of sort.