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他是个老学究。He's an old pedant.

这人有点迂。He's a bit of a pedant.

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他是个十足的老夫子。He is a perfect type of pedant.

夫子河是个镇。镇子上有座窑。Pedant River towns. Town seat on the kiln.

会上人人都是语言乏味的空谈家。Everybody at the meeting is a droning pedant.

有才能的人和卖弄学问的人是不一样的。A man of talent is one thing, and a pedant another.

迂腐的言行心理或行为带有学究气的习性。The habit of mind or manner characteristic of a pedant.

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他读了一辈子的书,到头来不过是一个彻底的老夫子。He has been reading books all his life, and has become a pedant.

你是个只会夸夸其谈的学究,亲爱的伙计。The old pedant used so many archaisms that half of what he said was unintelligible.

在对故事的重述中,彼得帕克是一个有着爱出汗的手掌和虚弱姿态的书呆子。In this iteration of the tale, Peter Parker is a pedant with sweaty palms and weak posture.

就让那些“老油条”们认为我是一个“老学究”,似乎是一种逃离这一规则的方式。It should be better that the sophisticates believe I'm just a pedant and innocent in promoting.

⊙、一本正经地对待消遣和刻板地追求学问,结果就会成为一个学究。Seriously treat recreation and precisely the pursuit of knowledge, the result will be a pedant.

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岂止如此,他还把男爵说成是他有生以来不幸遇上的最无法容忍的迂夫子。Indeed he went farther, and characterised the baron as the most intolerable formal pedant he had ever had the misfortune to meet with.

布鲁诺批判了“懒汉学究群”的无意义的活动,认为真正的劳动者是从事有价值有意义的“劳动”者。Bruno criticized the meaningless activities of bummer and pedant and held that the true laborers are the people who engage in meaningful labor.

那还用说吗?我倘然没有弄错,那么巴普提斯塔先生也许还记得我,二十年以前,我们曾经在热那亚做过邻居哩。PEDANT. Ay, what else? And, but I be deceived, Signior Baptista may remember me Near twenty years ago in Genoa, Where we were lodgers at the Pegasus.

他对文章礼仪也很精通,只是性情迁腐迟钝,看上去就像个老学究。Though proficient in literature and etiquette, he was stubbornly adherent to outworn rules. Being impractical and dull, he looked just like an old pedant.