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我涂了胶水。I used glue.

万能速干胶?Quick dry glue?

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这胶水粘得很牢。This glue sticks fast.

这个胶棒是我的。Do you have glue sticks?

将裁开的两个边粘上。Glue the edges together.

要把胶水放在手边。Keep a glue stick handy.

嗨!李艳!这是我的胶棒。Hi, Li Yan! This is my glue.

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他的手被胶水黏著。His hand gummed by the glue.

我可以黏好那只破掉的花瓶。I can glue that broken vase.

胶合垫铁小条挖出果核。Glue the horn strips to core.

形而上的粘质是什么?What's the metaphysical glue?

把它粘到黄纸上。Glue it onto the yellow paper.

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以聚脂膜为基材,涂上压敏胶。Mylar base material with glue.

你能把这个破镜黏合吗?。Can you glue the broken mirror?

鞋子开胶。There is opening glue at shoes.

用几滴胶水粘牢。Secure with a few spots of glue.

那是使我们结合在一起的黏胶。They are the glue that binds us.

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同样,藤壶胶也很特别。Barnacle glue is equally special.

在每个角轻轻涂上胶水。Put a dab of glue on each corner.

这个胶棒是我的。Can I use your glue stick, please?