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我们都知道苏格兰花格布。We all know about Scottish tartan.

穿我的格子裙,今晚是苏格兰之夜。My tartan skirt. It's scottish night.

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走廊里铺的是花格地毯。The corridors are carpeted in tartan.

这是一张格子缎带的照片。This is a photograph of a tartan ribbon.

但发现,又是一双格子花纹的鞋。But found, but also a pair of tartan shoes.

我们设法来把他抬到船上去吧。We will try and carry him on board the tartan.

不管你称呼它格子呢还是格子花呢,格纹图案就是永远在流行。Whether you call it tartan or plaid, it's just in.

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于是,我的鞋柜便再也没有出现过格子花纹的鞋子。As a result, my shoe will no longer appeared tartan shoes.

大部分苏格兰长裙由带格子图案的呢绒制成。It is most often made of woolen cloth in a tartan pattern.

他身着一件米色丝绸衬衫,头戴一顶花格子高尔夫球帽。He was wearing a cream silk shirt and a tartan golfing cap.

本公司的颜色是取自墨累亚索尔塔尔坦。The Company colours are taken from the Murray Athol Tartan.

格子呢检查在脚跟的一个特别标记也出现。The tartan check also appears on a special tag on the heel.

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当唐太斯重新睁开眼的时候,发现自己已在独桅船的甲板上了。When he opened his eyes Dantès found himself on the deck of the tartan.

地道来与上部一块黑的帆布和格子呢检查衬里。The Authentic comes with a black canvas upper and a tartan check lining.

节日最近还拿起一个Nordoff罗宾斯格子呢谱号奖。The festival also recently picked up a Nordoff Robbins Tartan Clef Award.

他还制造出了人类第一张彩色照片,拍的是一条格子呢缎带。He also produced the first color photograph , a picture of a tartan ribbon.

在热身练习后,球队还做了一些拉伸运动。The team then went through a warm-up drill and some stretching on the tartan pitch.

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这有点像是人们为一种查理士金长毛狗穿上格子尼外衣和帽子。It's a bit like when people put their King Charles spaniels in little tartan sweats and hats.

家族成员经常穿戴着体现自己家族特色的格子呢制成的方格裙、短裙和围巾。Members of the clan often wear kilts, skirts or scarves made of their personal tartan fabric.

自十五世纪以来,每个苏格兰家族都穿着印有家族标志的花格服装。Since the fifteenth century, each Scottish family has worn its own tartan as a kind of badge.