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损伤后的耳蜗只有一层薄薄的细胞膜,Theres a single cell layer of a damage cochlea.

损伤后的耳蜗只有一层薄薄的细胞膜,There’s a single cell layer of a damage cochlea.

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耳蜗内的毛细胞只有12000到15000个。There are only 12,000-15,000 in the human cochlea.

这只是耳蜗毛细胞发育的一个例证,结合这一技术和其它技术。This is an example at the bottom of a native cochlea hair cell.

如果你看到过蜗牛的壳,你就知道耳蜗的形象。If you have ever seen a snail shell, you know how a cochlea looks.

幻灯上方显示的是,人耳蜗内毛细胞的位置。On the top you see where the hair cells are located in the human cochlea.

此时,声音就在充满盐性液体的耳蜗道回响开来。The sound resonates through salty fluid that fills the hollow shell of the cochlea.

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那么,哺乳类动物耳蜗毛细胞破坏后是否具有再生能力呢?。Then whether injuried hair cells of cochlea have the ability to repair needs to study.

这种通过骨传导的声音完全绕过耳鼓,直接传入耳蜗。Such bone-conducted audio reaches the cochlea directly, completely bypassing the eardrum.

目的探讨灯盏花素对顺铂耳蜗毒性的拮抗作用。Objective It is to discuss the antagonism of breviscapine on cochlea toxicity of Cisplatin.

一般认为,这种声音来自位于耳蜗外面部分的听毛细胞的运动。They are thought to be produced by the motion of hair cells within the outer part of the cochlea.

此病的病理变化的实质是膜迷路积水。The pathological entity of the disease is hydrocele of the membranous labyrinthine of the cochlea.

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他的实验室也忙着研究鸟类耳蜗微绒毛细胞的再生能力。His lab is also busy studying the ability of birds to regenerate the tiny hair cells in the cochlea.

耳朵中的耳蜗将声波转换成大脑可以处理的神经电脉冲,从而产生听觉。The cochlea in the ear converts sound waves to electrical impulses that the brain processes as sound.

我们的研究表明,在哺乳动物耳蜗内再造听力毛发细胞是可行的。Our work shows that it is possible to produce functional auditory hair cells in the mammalian cochlea.

为提取舰船噪声听觉特征,应用被动长波模型对舰船噪声进行了分析,得到噪声信号的二维时空分布。A passive long wave cochlea model is applied to extract audial feature of naval vessel radiation noise.

小鼠耳蜗螺旋器离体培养技术是一种较好的研究耳毒性药物的方法。Technique of mice Cochlea Corti's organ external cultivation is a better way to study ototoxicity drugs.

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结论听神经瘤早期临床表现为耳蜗与前庭功能异常。Conclusion The earlier performance of acoustic neuroma is the abnormal function of cochlea and forecourt.

低频电刺激耳蜗下丘的反应表现为相位锁定。The response in inferior colliculus to low frequency electrical stimulation in cochlea showed phase locking.

目的观察豚鼠耳蜗毛细胞静纤毛连接桥的超微结构和功能。Objective To observe the morphological features of the normal and anomalous stereocilia of cochlea hair cells.