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罟我知道了。I see.

但我会试着做的!I try!

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我知道。I knew.

我退出了。I quit.

我奋起。I rise.

我还是要吸取教训。I suck.

但愿如此!I wish!

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我不能。I can't.

我不晓得。I dunno.

我笑了。I laugh.

我耸耸肩。I shrug.

我会心一笑。I smile.

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我同意了。I agreed.

我身上是干的。I am dry.

我同意。I concur.

我期望。I expect.

我漱口。I gargle.

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我还过得去。I get by.

我号啕大哭。I howled.

我做了一个纸船。I make a.