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我们还希望为此加倍努力。And we wish to redouble our efforts.

为了解救马汉,我们做了最大的努力。We redouble our efforts for Manhan's release.

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我必须加倍努力,因为我还活着。I must redouble my effort, for I am still overground.

如果我们加倍努力,我们的梦想会变成现实。If we redouble our efforts, our dream will translate into reality.

这篇博客被及时删除,并且我们将加倍在此方面的努力。It was removed promptly and we will redouble our efforts in this regard.

要想成为人中龙凤,就要付出多倍的努力。If you want to be a virtuous and talented person, you have to redouble your efforts.

国内重点骨干企业金切机床厂数控机床产量成倍增长。The output of NC machine tools of important enterprises is increasing double and redouble.

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丹麦人得分,这是他字二月对莫西拿比赛以来的首个进球。And the Danish striker redouble the score, his last goal dating back to February 2 against Messina.

从这次中央机关干部大会开始,要狠狠地抓。We should redouble our efforts, beginning with the current Meeting of Cadres of the Central Organs.

碳骑士们,现在我们已经稳操胜券,在下希望大家加倍努力。Knights Carbonic, now that the hour of our triumph is at hand, I urge you all to redouble your efforts.

你们知道,有时你输了就会把赌注加倍,并且总想把失去的都赢回来You know sometimes when you're losing and you redouble and you keep hoping to win back what you've lost?

奥巴马呼吁所有各方加倍努力,再次推动中东和平进程。President Obama is calling on all parties to redouble efforts to get the Mideast peace process going again.

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拉赫莫诺夫总统表示,塔中双方应进一步努力,扩大两国的经贸合作,以造福于两国人民。President Rakhmonov said the two sides should redouble their efforts to strengthen economic and trade ties.

为适应IT市场的日新月异,我们将加倍努力,百尺竿头,更上一步。In order to meet the ever-changing IT market, we will redouble our efforts, endeavours, but also on the step.

我们必须居安思危、加倍努力,不断巩固和发展农村好形势。We must act to redouble our efforts to continuously consolidate and develop the good situation in rural areas.

我们将深入推进健康中国建设,为人民提供全生命周期的卫生与健康服务。We will redouble efforts to build a healthy China by providing our people with full life-cycle health services.

拉加德周一在莫斯科时,强调欧元区应克服当下严峻的债务危机。Lagarde was in Moscow on Monday to urge the euro zone to redouble efforts to overcome its sovereign debt crisis.

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聚宝人将以加倍的努力和海内外朋友共谋发展大业!Jubao people will redouble their efforts and the great cause of friends at home and abroad and seek common development!

让我们抓住机遇,迎接挑战,加倍努力,携手合作,共同迈向新的世纪。Let us seize the opportunity and redouble our efforts to meet the challenges and march together towards the new century.

直至今时今日他老人家还每日必看古今之典籍,我们小辈更加需要加倍勤习之!Until now he has a daily must-see ancient and modern, old books, we need to redouble our more junior learning of ground!