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神圣之灵现在可以在31级时从训练师处习得。Divine Spirit is now trainable at level 31.

大自然的祝福现理解力技巧。Nature's Blessing is now a trainable skill.

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据报道称,猪比猫狗更适于训练为人的助手。Pigs are reportedly more trainable than dogs and cats.

在它们的窝里驯化它们的做法是非常封闭的。Ferrets are very close in this regard to being litter-box trainable.

王者在20级可学,相关天赋被移除。Blessing of Kings is now trainable at level 20. Removed from talent trees.

王者祝福变为可以被所有骑士学习的技能。Blessing of Kings this spell is now a base ability trainable by all paladins.

智力将从惩戒骑士的装备和物品中去除,一个新的可学技能将从护甲中获得智力。A new trainable ability Purified Armor will grant intellect based on armor value.

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提出一种可训练的快速汉语部分句法分析方法。In this paper, a trainable and fast partial parsing method for Chinese is presented.

本文将基于HMM的可训练语音合成方法应用到中文语音合成。In this paper, the HMM-based trainable speech synthesis was applied for Chinese application.

所有以前副本掉落的技能书现在在60级时即可学习到。All class specific spell books that previously dropped in dungeons are now trainable at level 60.

现在所有萨满都可以在合适的训练师处学习双手锤和双手斧技能。Two-Handed Axes and Two-Handed Maces are now trainable by all Shaman at the appropriate weapon masters.

最后一个主题将讲解支持向量机分类物中核心使用的可训练物件侦测系统。The last topic is about a trainable object detection system using at its core a Support Vector Machine classifier.

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可以在你的人物表单中查看所有可以学习的技能。It is now possible to view all trainable skills on your character sheet by checking the "show all trainable skills" box.

世界一流的大公司在招聘时更加注重考察候选人不可培训的技能,因为他们知道可以通过培训等手段提高候选人可培训的技能。World-class companies hire with non-trainable skills in mind, because they know they can mend those gaps in the trainable areas.

聘请人才,而仅仅有熟练技能的人。人才可以学会熟练的技能,拥有熟练技能的员工并不能人才。Hire talent, not just trainable skills. Skills can be taught to a talented employee. A skilled employee can not just be given talent.

可千万别信什么宠物养殖户的敬重承诺。如果他们的狗的确是稳定、健全、可训性强,又有护卫性。让他们实地去证明。Do not fall for big promises from pet breeders. If their dogs truly are stable, sound, trainable and protective, let them prove it on the field.

由于其天生的快速学习能力,很多人认为挪威牧羊犬是波美拉尼亚丝毛狗中最可驯化的。In fact, the Buhund is considered by many to be the most trainable of the Spitz breeds due to their innate desire to please and quick aptitude to learn.

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现在所有萨满都可以在合适的训练师处学习双手锤和双手斧技能。增强天赋的相应位置现在被“萨满专注”天赋取代。Two-Handed Axes and Two-Handed Maces are now trainable by all Shaman at the appropriate weapon masters. The Enhancement talent has been replaced by Shamanistic Focus.

德国牧羊犬悠久而辉煌的历史开始自十九世纪的创造一种强壮、智慧、非常易于接受训练的牧羊犬或守护犬的想法。The German Shepherd Dog's long and noble history began in the late 1800's with an idea for breeding strong, intelligent, highly trainable dogs for herding and guarding sheep.

伤害算及格啦,比深火少,而目前没有什麽战斗需要冰系额外的生存能力,尤其现在每个法师都有冰箱。The damage is ok, a bit less than a deep fire spec. There aren't any encounters at the moment that require the increased survival, particularly now with Ice Block as a trainable skill.