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黑板上有钉子。Nails on a chalkboard.

拿一块湿布来擦粉板。Wipe the chalkboard with a damp cloth.

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你坐在自己的座位上,一名教师在黑板上写着东西。You're sitting at your desk. A teacher is writing on the chalkboard.

你可以把它当做黑板一样在上面写写画画,而且还能擦掉哦。You can write on them like a chalkboard and then erase when you are done.

小旗或粉板上的说明也许会给游泳者提供有关情况。Flags or notes on a chalkboard may give swimmers an idea of what conditions are like.

里面有一架旧钢琴,琴键都冻住了,黑板前面有一张桌子。It contained an old piano, its keys frozen by time, and a lone desk in front of a chalkboard.

在另一项计划中,我请他们用一句或两句话来描述黑板的本质。For another project, I asked them to describe the essence of the chalkboard in one or two sentences.

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多年来,福山象一条知识界的变色龙,游遍世界的版图。Over the years, Fukuyama has scampered across the world’s chalkboard like an intellectual chameleon.

孩子们一排一排坐在课桌前,抬头看着站在被磨损得快坏了的黑板前的老师。Children sit at rows of desks, staring up at a teacher who stands in front of a well-worn chalkboard.

研究者解释,在我们的耳朵里,黑板上的吱吱声被扩大了,因此产生了痛苦的感觉。A loud screech on a chalkboard could be amplified within our ears to painful effect, the researchers propose.

我们一搬进伦敦的新家就将敞开式厨房的一面墙粉刷成了黑板。As soon as we moved into our flat in London, we painted the open-style kitchen's one wall with chalkboard paint.

应多使用描述性的语言和色彩丰富的展示来吸引她们的注意力。Using descriptive phrases and lots of color in overhead presentations or on the chalkboard gets their attention.

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他把手看起来像爪子一样,恶作剧地笑着,然后慢慢地、折磨人地从黑板上划过。He shapes his hand like a claw, grins evilly, and slowly, torturously, drags his fingernails down the chalkboard.

“哇!当大家都在外面的时候,偷偷在黑板上写字该是多么有趣的事啊!”朱迪的眼睛因期待而闪闪发亮。"Wow! What fun it would be to write on the chalkboard while everyone is outside. " Judy's eyes twinkled with anticipation.

漆黑的墙壁如一块黑板,给这个餐厅带来一片可以自由挥洒的天地,主人每天都能在这里绘上永不重复的美术作品。Chalkboard paint covers a dining room wall and provides a blank canvas for the homeowners to create their own ever-changing artwork.

但是皮肤的导电性的变化是一致的,即使当他们以为黑板的声音是来自于乐曲,而且觉得它们也没有那么不悦耳。But their skin conductivity changed consistently even when they thought the chalkboard sound was from music and rated it as less unpleasant.

随著资讯与数位科技的蓬勃发展,许多老师将他们的教学平台从黑板转移到电脑投影幕上。With the emergence of information and digital technology, many teachers present their instructions on computers instead of using chalkboard.

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在学校门口的黑版上,用白色粉笔以漂亮的花体字写着当天的重要新闻提要。On a chalkboard on the entrance hall of the school, some of the day's news headlines are written out in white chalk, in perfect cursive script.

通过使用一面是经过涂画的悬挂的黑板,动感和韵律感被添加到设计中。Movement and rhythm is added to the design with the use of dynamic wooden boards with one side painted and the over having a chalkboard texture.

移动广告公司Chalkboard推出的应用,可以显示在1米之内的商店的广告。The mobile advertising company Chalkboard publishes ads from local businesses inside supported apps when the user is within 1 mile of the store.