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我要一个扎啤。I want a draught beer.

风中之烛点的快。Candles spend fast in draught.

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他将杯中物一饮而尽。He emptied the cup at a draught.

船现在的最大吃水是多少?What is her maximum draught now?

这船吃水5米。The ship has a draught of 5 metres.

他将杯中物一饮而尽。He emptied his glass at one draught.

所谓的低速,就是不产生气流。Low speed mean, no draught is caused.

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这间酒吧有桶装的吉尼斯黑生啤。This bar has Guinness beer on draught.

您要瓶装啤酒还是生啤酒?。Would you like bottled or draught beer?

他一口气喝光了一品脱啤酒。He took off a pint of beer in one draught.

他将杯里的水一饮而尽。He drank the glass of water in one draught.

您喜欢扎啤还是瓶装啤酒?。Would you like your beer draught or bottled?

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你如果坐在风口,可能会感冒。You may catch a cold if you sit in a draught.

他站起来,深深吸了一大口气。He stood and sucked in a great draught of air.

他们每年都得与干旱做斗争。They have to contend against draught every year.

您应购买吃水深度为40英尺的船只。You should buy a ship with a draught of 40 feet.

在几个小时之内,曼德拉药水就将配制好了。In a few hours, the Mandrake Draught will be ready.

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本系统牵引件采用新型双铰链条。The system draught parts adopt new double ream chains.

一个值夜班的修女给了她一剂安眠药水。One of the night-duty nuns gave her a sleeping draught.

长期干旱使得那个地区的井都干涸了。The long draught dried up all the wells in that district.