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恐惧使他隔宿变老。Fear aged him overnight.

我忙得通宵达旦。I was very busy overnight.

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那首歌一夜之间流行开来。The song took on overnight.

那牛奶一夜之间就馊掉了。The milk has soured overnight.

物价会在一夕之间走低.Prices would go down overnight.

通宵放出大量的放屁。A LOT of farts escape overnight.

将肉在腌汁里浸一整夜。Let the meat marinate overnight.

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一般价还是隔夜拍发价,先生?Ordinary or overnight rate, Sir?

但转化为罗马人绝非一夕之功。But no one became Roman overnight.

先把它在冷冻室放一晚。Stick it in the freezer overnight.

它一夕之间不在发生。It's not going to happen overnight.

恐惧与忧愁使她一夜之间变老了。Fear and anxiety aged her overnight.

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职业消沉并非突然发生。Career slumps don't happen overnight.

杜松子在伏特加里浸过夜。Infuse juniper in the vodka overnight.

奥赛罗的头发一夜之间全变白了。Othello's hair turned white overnight.

奥塞罗的头发一夜之间全变白了。Othello’s hair turned white overnight.

你的习惯不会一天就变化。Your habits will not change overnight.

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将小段菜杆拌盐过夜。Blend the segments with salt overnight.

一杯冰凉的隔夜旧茶。A cup icy cold is overnight old the tea.

当晚,他们将分析研究你的帐册。Overnight they'll take your books apart.