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看到这只酒杯了吗?You see this goblet?

这个高脚杯有裂痕。This goblet is cracked.

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这个高脚杯盖满了泡沫。The goblet was mantling with foam.

杯状细胞主要分泌黏蛋白5AC。Goblet cells usually secrete mucin5AC.

是你把我的名字放入火焰杯中的。You put my name in the Goblet of Fire.

你把自己的名字放到火焰杯里去了么?。Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?

像一只精美的绿色高脚杯般鸣响着,每个音符Rang like some fine green goblet in the note

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他用手指沿杯口抹了一下。He ran his finger around the lip of the goblet.

这则故事是关于一个佛教僧人和一个酒杯的故事。The story was of the Buddhist monk and the goblet.

实际上,它是孩子们游戏房里的坏了的高脚杯。It's, in fact, a broken goblet from the children's playhouse.

摇摇晃晃这杯酒,为谁哭?为谁笑?Shave this goblet of liquor, cry for whom and smile for whom?

考林杯或高脚杯,用柠檬或橙片装饰都可以。Collins or goblet glass and garnish with lemon or orange slice.

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说完了之后,他拿出叶子和酒杯呈给国王看。With that, he held up the leaves and the goblet to show the king.

或者在冬天的晚上,靠在猛烈燃烧的壁炉旁,喝上一杯甘醇的红酒。Or a goblet of luscious red by a leaping fire on a winter's evening.

目的研究人结膜杯状细胞和粘液的形态。To study the morphology of human conjunctival goblet cells and mucus.

突然,朋友看见羽觞里有条蛇影在游动。Suddenly, his friend saw the reflection of a snack swimming in the goblet.

十二指肠、直肠杯状细胞对PNA反应呈强阳性。The goblet cells of the duodenum and rectum showed strong reactions to PNA.

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一套三个高脚杯,每个45美元,表示每个杯子的价格为45美元。Three goblets 45 dollars, for example, meant each goblet costed 45 dollars.

另有一个蓄着花白长胡子的高个仆人,端着一只盛满了酒的金杯。A tall servant with a long white beard carried a golden goblet full of wine.

前肠粘膜褶高,纹状缘薄,杯状细胞数目相对乌鳢、鲶鱼较多。Their fore-gut has high mucosal fold, thin striated border, more goblet cells.