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我们所有人都爱一花药。All of us love one anther.

我的父亲是工作在花药的城市…My father is working in anther city.

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雄蕊为白色带铬黄色花粉囊。Stamens white with chromium-yellow anther.

走前请一定要再喝一杯咖啡。Do have anther cup of coffee before you go.

我不喜欢这个,请拿另外一个给我看看。E. g. I don't like this one, please show me anther.

花药为外植体时宁粳35的培养效果较好。Ningjing 35 was best effect of culture using anther.

雄蕊花药四室,腺质绒毡层。The anther is tetrasporangiate and glandular tapetum.

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资讯科技是天然想要雄蕊的花粉囊人感激那。It is natural to want anther person to appreciate that.

雄蕊10支,两轮,每一个花药有四个花粉囊。Stamens 10, two whorls and anther are tetrasporangiate.

非斯这个独特的城市也是摩洛哥的一个亮点。The picturesque city of Fez is anther aspects of Morocco.

现在,您应当具有了另一种语言的完整资源集。You should now have a complete set of resources for anther language.

最后但并非最不重要的,为班级做好事也是我的计划的花药。Lastbut not leastdoing anther good deed for my class is also my plan.

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花药壁发育类型为双子叶型。The development of the anther wall belonged to a dicotyledonous type.

在花粉形成过程中,花药内天然产生一种化合物。During pollen formation a compound is produced naturally in the anther.

胚珠的异常常伴随着花药的异常而发生。The abnormal ovule often appear simultaneously with the abnormal anther.

棕色棉细胞质雄性不育花药的细胞学观察。Cytological observation of cytoplasmic male-sterile anther of brown cotton.

棕色棉细胞质雄性不育花药的细胞学观察。Cytological observation of cytoplasmic male- sterile anther of brown cotton.

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其次,另一个可能性是他们夸诞了障碍。Secondly, there is anther possibility that they exaggerate the difficulties.

但是我高兴不起来,因为我的一个好朋友今天就飞其他国家了。However I am not like that, because one of my friends flys to anther country.

其次,花药的可能性,他们夸大了困难。Secondly , there is anther possibility that they exaggerate the difficulties.