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也是第一位改变信仰的白人会长。And the convert, Caucasian convert.

阿伊努人长得像亚洲人和高加索人的混合体。The Ainu look like a mixture of Asian and Caucasian.

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有一天一个白人的卖花人去找他理发。One day a Caucasian florist goes to him for a haircut.

这些混合血统的种群被繁育于莫斯科作为纯种高加索犬。These mixed breeds were bred in Moscow as Caucasian purebreds.

受害人是个白种人女性,大概在二十五岁。Victim is Caucasian female, approximately twenty-five years old.

已经结婚,53岁白种人人居住在洛杉矶地区。Already married, 53 year-old Caucasian man living in Los Angeles area.

随后,他们又在1650名白人男子中证实了这一结果。They then confirmed these findings in an additional 1,650 Caucasian men.

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他们发现相貌成熟的白人男性被认为更有权威。They found that mature-looking Caucasian men were perceived as more powerful.

但众人相信杰克逊是为了让自己看起来更像个白人而将皮肤漂白。Some, however, believed he simply bleached his skin in order to appear more Caucasian.

北京一位姓黄的美容师说,女性希望自己的外表更像白种人。A Beijing-based cosmetic surgeon surnamed Huang said women wanted to look more Caucasian.

我认为非亚裔或白种人的一方应当喜爱配偶的文化。I think it's the non-Asian or the Caucasian that has to have the affinity for the mate's culture.

看看维基百科上关于“高加索人种”的文章。文章明确声明南亚人属于高加索人种。Look at 'Caucasian race' article on Wikipedia. It clearly states that South Asians are Caucasian.

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咪咕尔为一黑人,如同正宗俄国人般嫌恶高加索人。Though Miguel is black himself he doesn't like Caucasian guests of the capital like true Russians.

原来的匈奴是否与西高加索匈奴人有关?没人可以证明这个。Was the original Xiongnu related to Western Caucasian Huns or Turks? No one is able to prove this.

后来人们返回达吉斯坦,开始放牧并且像以前一样使用高加索犬。The people later returned to Daghestan and to shepherding and the Caucasian is now utilized like before.

但是在白种人的研究中,LPL基因与高血压的关系尚存在争议。But the relationship between the LPL gene and hypertension was controversial among Caucasian populations.

最近一名用超正的普通话而成为湖北新闻主持人的白人女主播吸引了很多眼球。Recently a Caucasian TV anchor gained fame in China for delivering Hubei newscasts in flawless Putonghua.

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非洲-美国妇女的心血管病的死亡率比高加索妇女高。Death rates from cardiovascular disease are higher for African-American females than for Caucasian females.

同时,以上结果仅限于高加索人群,对其他种族的人群也许不能推广使用。Also, the findings were restricted to a Caucasian cohort and may not be generalizable to other ethnic cohorts.

结论中国汉族人ATM基因的单核苷酸多态与白人存在较大差异。Conclusion There are great differences in the SNPs of ATM gene between Chinese of Han ethnicity and Caucasian.