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另外,聚合物试剂还可以通过简单处理回收利用。And also polystyrene-supported benzyl selenide can be regenerated and reused.

研究了一种一次烧成镉硒红釉的新工艺。New technology of once sintering sulphide selenide cadmium base red glaze is researched.

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本发明公开了一种制备半导体硒化物纳米粒子的方法。The present invention discloses process of preparing monodisperse nanometer semiconductor selenide particle.

硒主要以硒化物矿物形式产出,矿床中还发现了新的硒矿物—硒锑矿。Selenium is distributed in different kinds of uranium ore body, and occurs mainly in the form of selenide minerals.

光伏电池依赖于非晶态或晶态的硅,碲化镉或者硒化、硫化铜铟。Photovoltaic cells rely on amorphous or crystalline silicon, cadmium telluride, or copper indium selenide and sulfide.

他们之前的研究专注于硒化银以及碲化银化合物,这两种化合物在自然界中都对磁性有惰性。Their previous research had looked at silver selenide and silver telluride, two compounds that are magnetically inert in nature.

相对于乙醇、水等作为介质合成二硒醚,以PEG-400为介质减少了剧毒气体硒化氢的排放,同时硼氢化钠的利用率有所提高。The toxic hydrogen selenide gas was reduced, while the utilization of sodium borohydride was over a lot when the PEG-400 instead of ethanol.

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在正丁胺的催化下,酮与硒氢化钠、二硒化钠乙醇溶液通过“一锅”法反应得到了中等产率的二硒醚。In the first step, sodium hydrogen selenide is prepared on the material of selenium powder and sodium borohydride in solvent anhydrous ethanol.

一种制备三维多枝状硒化铜纳米晶光电薄膜材料的化学方法。The invention relates to a chemical method for preparing three-dimensional dendritic copper selenide nano-crystalline photoelectric film material.

综述了硫硒化镉大红釉的研究状况,分析了各种硫硒化镉釉制备方法的优缺点。In this paper the studies on sulphide selenide cadmium base red glaze were summarized. The different methods of preparing sulphide selenide cadmium base glaze have been com- pared.