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里德利拿起一支铅笔,不停地在手里摆弄着。Ridley picked up a pencil and fiddled with it.

里德利以一种吹毛求疵的超然态度看待他的作品。Ridley viewed his work with a cynical detachment.

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在圣地亚哥海滩一只幼小的橄蠵龟走向水里,萨尔瓦多。A baby Olive Ridley Turtle makes its way to the water at San Diego Beach, El Salvador.

这也引出了雷德利其实在前45分钟什么都没有讲的笑话。This gave rise to Ridley Scott's joke that nothing actually happens for the first 45 minutes.

如今,它们应该同濒临灭绝东部美洲狮和肯氏龟一起列入濒危物种的名录。Now they ought to be listed with other endangered species like the Eastern cougar and Kemp's Ridley turtle.

与其他海龟不一样,雌性肯普氏海龟白天上岸产卵。Unlike other sea turtles, female Kemp's ridley turtles come ashore to lay their eggs in the daylight hours.

我喜欢雷利对复制人做的,我不认为它会妨碍电影潜藏的意义。I like what Ridley did about him being a Replicant. I don't think it necessarily interferes with the subtext.

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现在,里德利对一种产于页岩、在美国得到广泛应用而其他国家还没有的气体表示乐观。Now, Ridley is feeling optimistic about a gas that is produced from shale and is widely used in the US but not elsewhere.

本季,奥尔曼的团队为四只榄蠵龟带上卫星标记,以获得海龟迁徙模式的更多线索。Allman’s team this season attached satellite tags on four olive ridley turtles to gain more clues about migration patterns.

全部33只海龟都是墨西哥湾生态环境的稀有成员,而绿海龟、坎皮海龟、玳瑁又是濒危品种,蠵龟则是受威胁品种。All 33 turtles represent rare members of the Gulf's ecosystem. Green, Kemp’s Ridley and Hawksbill sea turtles are endangered species.

渔业和野生动物服务局参与了抢救墨西哥湾海龟蛋的工作,抢救对象包括红海龟、棱皮龟、兰·坎皮海龟等濒危物种。Fish and Wildlife Service, one of the organizations evacuating turtle eggs, such as the endangered loggerheads, leatherbacks, and Kemp's ridley.

来自荷兰夫妇马蒂尔德·于森和乔斯·古贝尔斯参加的旅游团,巧遇一只正在沙滩筑巢的的榄蠵龟。Matilda Yoosen and Jos Gubbels, a married couple from Holland, were among a tourist group that came upon an olive ridley turtle nesting in the sand.

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周刊报导,芮德利史考特将再拍当年由他开拍的「异形」系列电影。他已经签约,将执导「异形」首部曲的前传。Variety has reported that Ridley Scott is returning to the Alien franchise he helped kick off by signing on to direct the prequel to the first film.

雷德利·斯科特的这部科幻黑色惊悚片已被证明对过去四分之一世纪的科幻小说产生了巨大影响,而且在今天看来仍然很前卫,更不必说当时了。Ridley Scott's tech-noir thriller has proved hugely influential onthe last quarter-century of science fiction, and still looks ahead of now, letalone then.

过去至少有5中海龟在加纳海岸筑巢产蛋,但如今只剩下棱皮龟,太平洋丽龟,和绿海龟三种。At least five species of turtles nested on Ghanaian beaches in the past, but today it’s believed to be just the leatherback, olive ridley and green turtles.

商品和人口流动的障碍越少,思想碰到并进行“交合”的机会就越多。The fewer barriers there are to the free movement of goods and people, the more opportunities there are for ideas to meet and “have sex”, as Mr Ridley puts it.

曼尼以前没见过海龟,而在12月17日当晚,他目睹了一只大约1700磅的棱皮龟和一只榄蠵龟。Monney had never seen a sea turtle before Dec. 17, when he caught a glimpse of the leatherback — estimated weight 1, 700 pounds — and an olive ridley the same night.

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组织宣称塔塔集团在奥里萨邦兴建的港口会杀害珍贵的榄蠵龟及其他海洋生物,应该关闭。Greenpeace is claiming that a port, being built by the Tata group in Orissa province, would kill rare Olive Ridley turtles and other marine life and should be shut down.

全部33只海龟都是墨西哥湾生态环境的稀有成员,而绿海龟、坎皮海龟、玳瑁又是濒危品种,蠵龟则是受威胁品种。All 33 turtles represent rare members of the Gulf's ecosystem. Green, Kemp's Ridley and Hawksbill sea turtles are endangered species. Loggerheads are listed as threatened.

“让人惊奇的是,这个活动超越了政治界限,在像中国、越南、巴不亚新几内亚这样的地方也在发生,”地球一小时的执行主任安迪·莱德利说。"What's amazing is that it's transcending political boundaries and happening in places like China, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, " said Earth Hour executive director Andy Ridley.