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我们正在砍伐掉雨林。We are cutting down the rainforest.

从天篷走道被见到的密集的雨林。Dense Rainforest seen from Canopy Walkway.

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你是否曾试图在沙漠中培育雨林?Were you trying to grow a rainforest in the desert?

经过一个接一个的U形弯道,松树林取代了雨林。Hairpin followed hairpin, rainforest gave way to pine.

为低山坡干性雨林中上层乔木树种。Lower slopes of the upper dry rainforest tree species.

雨林激流,塔斯马尼亚,澳大利亚。Rapid River In Rainforest Tarkine, Tasmania, Australia.

因为我们要去热带雨林我们不能不特别谨严。You can't be too careful when you visit the rainforest.

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蔓生的牵牛花藤越过了雨林的天蓬,疯长开去。Weedy morning-glory vines overran the rainforest canopy.

我们设想,正是这些尘土滋润着雨林。And it's assumed that the dust fertilizes the rainforest.

并且可以确定这些尘土给当地的雨林施肥。And it’s assumed that the dust fertilizes the rainforest.

热带雨林餐厅,跟孩子在那里午餐,她买单。Rainforest Cafe, lunch with my daugher there. Her treats.

工厂和热带雨林的燃烧为我们的星球带来了什么?What are factories and rainforest burnings doing to our planet?

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飞行壁虎生活在马来西亚的雨林中。Flying Gecko The flying gecko lives in the Malaysian rainforest.

这个面积达65,000平方英尺的项目坐落在一片由摩天楼包围的雨林中。The 65,000 GSF project sits in a rainforest surrounded by skyscrapers.

中国南部的归还热带雨林计划遭火海吞没。A rainforest restoration project in southern China is engulfed by fire.

从热带雨林到海滩,伽亚娜生态度假村有一点东西给大家。From rainforest to beach, Gayana Eco Resort has something for everyone.

在婆罗州有一种新的美洲豹在热带雨林中被发现。There is a new species of leopard out there in the rainforest of Borneo.

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飞毯再次升起,几乎一转眼他们就到了茂密的热带雨林。The carpet rose again and almost at once they were in a thick rainforest.

房间有两个淋浴器,一个在浴缸上方,一个是撒花淋浴。The room had two showers, one over a Jacuzzi tub and a rainforest shower.

她们沐浴后,浴室就散发着热带雨林的味道。After a woman showers, the bathroom will smell like a tropical rainforest.