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这是一次邂逅相遇。It was a chancy meeting.

在新加坡的邂逅更是加剧了这种情况。The chancy meeting in Singapore made the situation worse.

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生儿育女和乐师动荡不定的生活是不合拍的。Babies and the chancy life of a musician do not exactly go together.

这项冒险政策可能会让卡扎菲伤痕累累、陷入困境、执掌大权,但事实并非如此。This chancy policy might have left Gadhafi wounded, dangerous and in power. But it didn't.

在绝望中他们遭受了许多轮的体外受精。它更可能是一种灾难性的和危险性的方法。In desperation they undergo many cycles of IF, which more often than not is disastrous and a chancy method.

在绝望中他们遭受了许多轮的体外受精。它更可能是一种灾难性的和危险性的方法。In desperation they undergo many cycles of IVF, which more often than not is disastrous and a chancy method.

今年早些时候它的票房大败,电影公司的制作人其实早就知道这样的电影很有风险。It failed at the box office earlier this year. Studio executives have long known that such films are chancy.

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所述的这种影响力,让投入策略自然形成既定目标和工作条件的结果就太冒险了。Given this influence, it is too chancy to let the involvement strategy evolve naturally as a result of stated goals and work requirements.

以农业部为例,其资金来源具有多、散、少、变的特点,以至于副部长米歇尔·昌西说他不确定农业部的整体预算。Its sources of funding are so many, dispersed, small, and fickle that Michel Chancy , the deputy minister, says he is unsure of its total budget.

这些荣誉和奖励的获得绝非偶然,而是世界文坛对他的创作成就的肯定与褒扬。It is never chancy for him to have received those honors and prizes, which, in fact, are affirmation and praise of the literary world for his achievement.

他一直没有回头,他仿佛坐上一串很长很长的列车,在茫茫夜色中开往朦胧的未来。He never turned back. His departure seemed to be followed by a journey in a winding train that was taking him into the chancy future in the infinite twilight.

他一直没有回头,他仿佛坐上一串很长很长的列车,在茫茫夜色中开往朦胧的未来。He never turned back. His departure seemed to be followed by a journey in a winding 7 train that was taking him into the chancy future in the infinite twilight 8.