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她为自己的马术感到自豪。She is proud of her horsemanship.

她为自己的骑术感到自豪。She is proud of her horsemanship.

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马术属于躲避式异能。Horsemanship is an evasion ability.

而之前那位马术师父,则是温夫人的表兄。But previous that horsemanship instructor, then madam's cousin.

无论某生物是否具有马术异能,具有马术异能的生物都可以阻挡它。A creature with horsemanship can block a creature with or without horsemanship.

我认为,骑马好不好跟一个人的精神有很大关系。I cannot but think that good horsemanship has a great deal to do with the mind.

具马术异能的生物不能被不具马术异能的生物所阻挡。A creature with horsemanship can't be blocked by creatures without horsemanship.

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有一次,鲁庄公邀请他到宫中来表演。Once, the Duke Zhuang of Lu invited him to perform his horsemanship in the palace.

马术是骑马和驯马的艺术,包括不同风格。Horsemanship is an art of riding and handling a horse, and includes diverse styles.

古典马术似乎没有在葡萄牙经历许多修改。Classical horsemanship seems to have endured in Portugal without many modifications.

他们钦佩他们的实力在战争中,特别是在他们的马术。They were admired for their prowess in war, and in particular for their horsemanship.

来自不同的国家的骑手展示他们漂亮的衣服和他们良好的骑术。Horsemen from different nations display their beautiful clothes and their fine horsemanship.

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从形状和形式,船舶的,我们有这样的话作为友谊,书法,骑术。And from shape, in the form of ship, we have such words as friendship, penmanship, horsemanship.

同样,我怎么能够进行马术教学,而忽略最基础的马匹护理和基础骑术呢?Also, how can I be teaching horsemanship without focusing on the basics of horse care and riding.

该组织向其提供了马术治疗并为低收入家庭儿童引进了马术和有机农产品。The group provides therapeutic riding and introduces low-income children to horsemanship and organic produce.

清朝末年西方马术传入中国,并在解放后得到迅速发展。Horsemanship of west of quiet day last years of a dynasty or reign passes into China, get developing quickly after liberate.

马丁选择了马术训练项目,他似乎把马看成是一种奇特形式的摩托车,只是个用来寻求速度和刺激的交通工具。He chose to join the horsemanship program. He seemed to consider a horse a strange form of motorcycle, useful only as a vehicle for speed and thrills.

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这是一个终身学习的过程,随着你经验的丰富,你会逐渐成为他人的导师,引导初学者进入现代马术世界。There is a lifetime of learning to be had and as you grow in experience you will become a mentor to others who are newer to the world of modern horsemanship.

一年一度的草原文化节开始了,哥哥家参加了赛马,宝音和夥伴们为观众表演了马术。The annual Prairie Festival is about to start and the older brother enters into a horse race. Bao-ying and friends will entertain the crowd with horsemanship.

李满娘马术出众是一个原因,同时“万一”不小心出了什么事,她也得找个背家才好。Li Man Niang's horsemanship is outstanding to is reason, in the meantime"in circumstance of" carelessly what material, she must also seek a back house equitable good.