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它们的化学性质不活泼。They are chemically inert.

煤炭在化学上与金刚石属于同类。Coal is chemically allied to diamond.

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它是单原子惰性气体。Helium is a monatomic chemically inert gas.

这些化学活性的酶造成广泛损害。These chemically active ferments cause havoc.

饼干和脆饼干是用化学方法发酵的。Biscuits and crackers are chemically leavened.

在防化环境下施行外科手术。Surgery in a Chemically Protected Environment.

化学上说,这是电荷的最小单位。Chemically this is the smallest unit of charge.

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这样,神经元之间便通过化学方式,进行信息的传递So, neurons communicate to one another chemically.

经过化学处理的头发会变得焦脆。Chemically treated hair can become dry and brittle.

这种化学性是和砒霜类似的。Don’t forget it is also kin to arsenic, chemically.

因为它没有电子,所以具有化学惰性。Since it has no electrons, it must be chemically inert.

重水在化学成分上与普通水是一样的。Heavy water is chemically the same as regular-light water.

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此外,它是一种惰性气体,对大多数酸和碱。Moreover it is chemically inert to most acids and alkalis.

但是关于地表化学角度污染这个世界怎么办呢?But what about on the surfaces of chemically exotic worlds?

具化学稳定性、防水、排水性能好。Chemically Stability and Water-resistance, Water-repellent.

这是一种软质的照片,已被打碎用来化学。This is a photo of softwood that has been chemically pulped.

本文用化学方法合成孔雀石绿完全抗原。Malachite green paper chemically synthesized complete antigen.

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像砷和锑一样,铋也是重金属和重化学元素。It is very heavy and chemically resembles arsenic and antimony.

但即使是同一城市的每个地区在化学气味上也并不一致。But not every place even within one city is the same chemically.

不要用那些用化学方式处理过的水或“蓝水”。Do not use water that has been chemically treated or "blue" water.