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我恨死他了。I hate his guts.

我恨死他了。I hated his guts.

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她恨死我了。She hates my guts.

首先我们需要肠子。At first we need guts.

我真的太没骨气了。I really have no guts.

这老婆娘对我恨这入骨。The old girl hates my guts.

哪句话更需要勇气?What takes more guts to say?

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他的演说空洞无物。His speech had no guts in it.

钓鱼线是羊肠线做的。He is a man with plenty of guts.

只有雷恩有胆量说破。Only Ryan has the guts to say it.

是我的肠子给吸进了下水口。It's my guts sucked into the drain.

我何止是不喜欢他,而是恨透了他。I don't dislike him. I hate his guts.

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没有人敢抓那只是老鼠。No one has the guts to catch the mouse.

私底下跟你说,我恨死我们老板了。Off the record, I hate our boss's guts.

我感觉我的心都被掏出来了一样。I felt like my guts had been ripped out.

我从来都没有勇气和外国人说话。I never have the guts to talk to foreigners.

养成这种习性要花费你大量的心血,可那值得。That takes a lot of guts. But it’s worth it.

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她总是有胆量去做那些我做不了的事情。She’s always had the guts to do what I can’t.

挑开他们的肚子,给他们的胸膛上来上一枪。Rip them up the belly. Shoot them in the guts.

我们电脑黑客喜欢深入到事物内部。We hackers like to poke at the guts of things.