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他一巴掌打在了麦丽金太太的脸上。He slapped Mrs. McKinley on the face.

麦丽金夫人挥了挥手,锁上了门。Mrs. McKinley waved and locked the door.

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贝利先生说,“你看见麦丽金夫人了吗?”Mr. Bailey said. “Have you seen Mrs. McKinley?”

这是麦金利第二次访华。It was the second official visit by McKinley to China.

安娜贝利有推开了茱莉亚,而麦丽金夫人则在一旁咯咯地笑。She pushed Julia out of the way as Mrs. McKinley cackled.

是麦金利山、灰熊和野狼的家。McKinley and wild animals such as grizzly bears and wolves.

但医生认为麦金莱已经好转,并没有使用X光机。But doctors, thinking McKinley was improving, never used it.

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玛德尼对麦丽金夫人讲——当时她还是弗洛斯太太。Mandeni told Mrs. McKinley who was Mrs. Floors at that time.

在我修理这台机器之前,麦金利夫人发现它有很多毛病。Mrs. McKinley saw too many faults in my life before to go fix.

共和党再次提名威廉麦金利作为总统候选人。The Republican Party renominated William McKinley as president.

贝利先生正在找麦丽金夫人,也正在为此事而挠头。Mr. Bailey was searching for Mrs. McKinley and scratching his head.

麦丽金夫人说,“在他的遗嘱中,马德里把它留给了艾利乌,没给我!”Mrs. McKinley said. “In his will, he left it for Arius and not me!”

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麦丽金太太得意地笑,“告诉我配方,否则她永远也回不来了!”Mrs. McKinley smirked. “Tell me the formula or she’ll never return!”

麦金莱是一个能仔细倾听公众意见的聪明的政治家。McKinley was a savvy politician who listened carefully to the public.

麦丽金夫人进到里面,后面跟着那几个五年级的学生。Mrs. McKinley stepped inside and the grade five group followed after her.

贝利先生问,接着他意识到麦丽金夫人可能在里面。Mr. Bailey asked, then he realized that Mrs. McKinley was probably inside.

当老女人们向这走来的时候,麦丽金夫人叫住了她们。When the old ladies were walking toward the door, Mrs. McKinley stopped them.

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而麦丽金夫人按下了最后一个键,一道将绿色激光射了出来。Mrs. McKinley pressed the last button and a spurt of green neon light shone out.

起先,总统麦金利要西班牙交出吕宋岛也就是菲律宾的主要的岛屿。At first, President McKinley wanted Spain to give up only Luzon, the main island.

麦丽金夫人换看了一下四周,房间后面全是校工的柜子。Mrs. McKinley looked around the room and behind all the shelves of janitor things.