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一次刀战中。A knife fight.

刀和鼓。Knife and Drum.

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我要你的刀子。I want your knife.

刀钝了。The knife is blunt.

这是把钝刀。It is a blunt knife.

那把刀很好切。The knife cuts well.

这把刀是谁的?Whose is this knife?

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他在石上磨刀。He whetted his knife.

布赖斯有一把好看的小刀。Brice has a nice knife.

这把餐刀切不下去。This knife doesn't cut.

这把刀太钝了。This knife is too dull.

他把小刀递给了阿列科。He handed Aleko a knife.

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那把小刀易用钝。That knife dulls easily.

最心善的才使用利刀。The kindest use a knife.

是一刀在石上磨!A sharp knife on a stone!

小刀能用来割东西。Knife can be used to cut.

她攥着一把刀。She was clasping a knife.

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这把刀切起来很快。The knife cuts very well.

他啪的一声打开书本。He flicked the knife open.

小刀冰凉的刀尖。The cold tip of the knife.