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不需要开瓶停放过程。No need to decant.

白葡萄酒到底需不需要醒酒?Should You Ever Decant White Wine?

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我可否慢慢倒,好让香味散发出来?。May I decant it now to allow it to breathe?

本文将告诉你陈年葡萄酒如何醒酒。This article will tell you how to decant aged wine.

砂锅内放入水,把所有材料都放入砂锅里。Decant enough water in pot, then, put all of the food material in pot.

饮用前适当醒酒,搭配羊肩肉或烤鸭味道鲜美。A good wine to decant and serve with a shoulder of lamb or roasted duck.

我一毕业很快就在银行找到了一份既体面,收入又高的工作。I immediately found a decant job with hight salary in a bank after graduation.

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慢慢加入清水,搅拌成无颗粒状的面糊。Decant water in the flour slowly, then, stir it until it becomes pasty without graininess.

两千多年后,意大利仍是世界上最大的生产者,负责大约有五分之一的世界葡萄酒生产…Therefore, it is advisable to decant the wine. A Brunello that still has many years ahead of it.

流动采集工人爬上椰子树,轻轻地敲开椰壳,将椰子汁倒入一个瓶子里。Traveling tappers climb coconut trees, tap the fruit’s blossom and decant the sap into a bottle.

待冰糖和琼脂溶解后,把水倒进模具并放一颗胎菊进去。When the rocky candy and agar melt, decant the water in the mode and put a chrysanthemum buds in it.

传统的倒酒方式暴露出一种毛病,就是你倒的酒往往要比实际消费掉的要多。Traditional decanting shows the problem that quite often you will decant more wine than will be consumed.

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你甚至想醒一些大酒体的白葡萄酒,如果这些酒品起来有些霉味或者是没有表现出最佳状态。You might even want to decant a full-bodied white if you feel it's tasting a bit funky or not showing at its best.

在井场配置处理液时普通用桶泵来缓慢倾注液体添加剂。Barrel pumps are commonly used to decant liquid additives during the preparation of treatment fluids at the wellsite.

换瓶可以给这款酒带来更劲的口感,在前一晚打开它,换入玻璃瓶中,24小时后,酒的味道就完整地苏醒了。Decant for the full wallop. Try opening the bottle the night before and enjoy a glass 24 hours later when the wine is fully opened.

事实证明这项发明是有效的,这种把酒的倾注器和倒酒器结合在一起的新型组合能够把酒倒出并倾注在一个酒杯中。It proved to work, and with the new combined wine decanter and pourer it became possible to both pour and decant a single glass of wine.

暖茶----用开水倒满茶壶,用成竹筷撇去泡沫,然后轻轻把茶水倒到每只杯中暖杯。Tea warming----Fill the pot to the brim with boiled water, shave the tea bubble with a bamboo stick then decant the tea into each cup for cup-warming.

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水从屋顶沿著北边外墙挖的小水管流下来,形成一个小水池为协助它徐缓地流入更适合的贮水槽。Water came down from the roof through a small drain carved in the outside north wall of the grotto. It was led to a small pool which served to decant it before it flowed into the cistern proper.