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我把它看成是预防药。I look at this as preventative medicine.

我只是不确定咖啡是真正的预防方法。I’m just not convinced that coffee is the real preventative here.

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使用这种袜子已成为预防静脉郁滞的常规措施。They are used as a routine preventative treatmet of venous stasis.

你们是否建立了预防性的维护程序?Is the maintenance by a systematic preventative maintenance system?

每日的锻炼就是安全保障和预防药。Daily workouts are insurance and preventative medicine against stress.

糖耐量受损可发展成2型糖尿病。It can progress to type 2 diabetes if preventative steps are not taken.

经常性的头痛还可通过阿米替林预防。For regular headaches preventative treatment with amitriptyline is available.

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该系统是目前国际上最具有代表性的ILP系统。Stephen Muggleton. Progol is the most preventative ILP system in ILP field, currently.

免疫防龋是目前龋病预防研究的热点之一。Today anticarious immunization becomes one of the focuses in caries preventative study.

Defra现在开始的对和尚鹦鹉的清除计划是作为一种预防措施。Defra has now initiated an extermination programme against monks as a preventative measure.

开发HIV的预防性疫苗是HIV病毒研究的‘圣杯’。“This is the holy grail of HIV research, to develop a preventative vaccine, ” Dr Paul said.

以每周的方式以适当的文件引导一次预防的维护检验。Conduct a preventative maintenance inspection on a weekly basis with appropriate documentation.

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对TIGAR了解更多可能导致更早检测到癌症,甚至导致预防性的治疗。Knowing more about TIGAR could lead to earlier cancer detection or even preventative treatments.

除了使用山金车以减轻疼痛和僵硬,一些运动员使用它作为一种预防性的保护。In addition to using Arnica to relieve pain and stiffness, some athletes use it as a preventative.

与此同时,官方却却对性教育和其他的预防计划公开示好。Meanwhile, officials have treated sex education and other preventative programs with open hostility.

HACCP是国际公认的确保食品安全的系统和预防性办法。HACCP is the internationally recognized systematic and preventative approach to ensuring food safety.

这是一个干燥的地区,虽然在法律上采取了很多预防措施,但还是经常会闻听火讯。This is a dry region and, despite many preventative laws and precautions, fires always seem to start.

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关于预防疫苗和基因治疗的章在上下文方面不舒适坐并且太短。Chapters on preventative vaccines and gene therapy sit uncomfortably in the context and are too short.

我认为如果使用质量好的防锈漆就不会产生这个问题。I think a better quality rust preventative paint could have been used and this problem would not exist.

如今仍然没有可完全治愈精神分裂症的药物,因此预防性的药物是最有效的干预。Currently there is no cure for schizophrenia, so preventative medicine is the most effective intervention.