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反贫穷及财产再分配计划的破产The Failure of Antipoverty and Wealth-Redistribution Schemes

这个反对贫穷小组现在也被称作实际行动。This antipoverty anti-poverty group is now called Practical Action.

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在过去的近四分之一个世纪中,中国在减少贫困方面取得了长足进展。In the past 25 years, China has made a great progress in antipoverty.

财税政策是城市反贫困公共政策体系的重要组成部分。Fiscal and tax policy is an important part of public antipoverty policy system.

贫困地区的发展问题是全面建设小康社会进程中十分重要和紧迫的问题。Antipoverty actions are very important and urgent in the course of China development.

英国反贫困组织——禧年债务运动同样给冰岛以支持。Iceland has also garnered the support of the Jubilee Debt Campaign, a British antipoverty organization.

联合国报告在全球反贫困会议确定的目标在2000年取得了一些进展的迹象。The United Nations is reporting signs of some progress in meeting global antipoverty Goals set in 2000.

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本文分析了我国在城市反贫困治理中,非营利组织可能的作用空间以及发挥的作用。The paper analyses the function and advantage of Non-Profitable Organization during the course of urban antipoverty in China.

在国内外农村发展和反贫困的思潮中,人的发展都处于核心位置。In the orientation of rural development and antipoverty movement in the world, the development of individual is always the core.

这些企业的收入使得BRAC有能力发展、试验、和引进全世界最具创新精神的扶贫项目。These revenues have allowed the organization to develop, test, and replicate some of the world’s most innovative antipoverty programs.

因而在城市反贫困中要充分利用社会资源,尤其要发挥非营利组织在城市反贫困中的作用。Thus it is important to use social resources, especially the function of Non-Profitable Organization during the process of urban antipoverty.

详细介绍了巴西林业发展、森林资源管理及反贫困的进展和有关政策问题。The paper gives a detailed picture of forestry development, forest resource management, the process of antipoverty and related policies in Brazil.

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因此,针对城市贫困问题的未来发展趋势,我们应着力加强和调整城市反贫困的行动。Therefore, taking the future urban poverty development tendency into consideration, we should endeavor to strengthen and adjust urban antipoverty action.

通过深化对旅游扶贫的认识,结合当地旅游扶贫开发机制,提出了一些扶贫旅游开发建议,为宁夏六盘山区扶贫旅游更好地发展提供经验。This paper combines with development mechanism of antipoverty tourism and presents some suggestions how to develop the tourism economy in Liupanshan mountainous area.

人们在研究旅游扶贫的目标、对象、功能、模式以及效益评估等内容之后,认为旅游业作为扶贫的途径具有很大的潜力。After the target, object, function, mode and benefit evaluating of tourism antipoverty were researched, it was argued that tourism has great potential for antipoverty.

同样,贫困地图也可以促使责任感和透明度的提高,因为他们可以和展示反贫困项目利益的分配地图进行比较。Similarly, poverty maps may help promote accountability and transparency because they may be compared with maps showing the allocation of antipoverty program benefits.

从它们最初作为一种改善扶贫政策和项目为目标的工具,贫困地图已被发展成为政策制定过程中的其他功能。From their origins as a tool to improve the targeting of antipoverty policies and programs, poverty maps have evolved to serve many other functions in the policy process.

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尤其引人关注的是,在最近十年中,虽然我国保持了高速的经济增长,但减贫的速度却在下降,居民收入差距的扩大导致了低收入者的相对贫困问题日益突出。In recent ten years, with a high speed of economic development, the speed of antipoverty is dropping. For income inequality being growth, relative poverty problem is on the schedule.

同时,在实践保障过程中需要遵守平等与合作原则、反贫困与可持续原则以及双重性规范原则。Besides, we must stand to three principles in the implement, which are equality and cooperation principle, antipoverty and sustainable principle and the two-tier regulation principle.

国内外学者对贫困产生的原因和反贫困策略进行了大量深入地研究,并形成了一些有代表性的观点和理论。Many national economists and foreigner have studying deeply on the reasons of poverty appearing and the antipoverty policies. They have made some representational conclusions and theories.