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我也反对以教条式的儿童在寺院中。I am also opposed to the indoctrination of children in monasteries.

目前,中国教育仍然可以看到灌输式教育的影响。Now indoctrination in education still is influencing Chinese education.

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孝与忠在隋文帝心目中是可以抛弃的教化工具。Filial piety and loyalty are indoctrination tools that can be discarded.

又或者这只是经过长期缓慢的文化灌输之后的结果。Or maybe it's just the result of a long, slow process of indoctrination.

数周前,我们与220多名学生开始了教导训练。Weeks earlier, we had started our indoctrination phase with over 220 students.

一个人所受的教导既是偏颇与歪曲,自是无法明确地辨别何者为是。They do not see it in its suchness because their indoctrination is crooked and twisted.

我们思想的殖民地化很早就开始了,而且这种教化难以琢磨、冷酷无情。The colonization of our minds starts early, and the indoctrination is subtle and relentless.

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灌输式教育曾经是西方教育中最有影响的教育方式之一。Indoctrination in education is the one of patterns of the great influence of education in west.

在全国大学和其他教育机构重新灌输马克思主义。By reinvigorating Marxist indoctrination in the nation's colleges and other educational institutions.

目前,学术界对“灌输论”的首倡者看法不一。At present, the academia in China disagree on the issue who is the initiator of indoctrination theory.

学校就像教导营地,教导着下一代人关于这个政体的优点。The schools serve as indoctrination camps, teaching the next generation about the virtues of the regime.

这个主题是对以往政治意识形态说教和精神枷锁的反叛。The theme of spiritual shackles of the previous political and ideological indoctrination and the rebels.

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列宁“灌输”理论的精髓在于形成了“灌输”党性观。The essence of Lenin's "indoctrination theory" is the formation of the "indoctrination" party spirit view.

五十多年的政府宣传与教化进一步深化民众的这种信念。Fifty-plus years of government propaganda and indoctrination have further embedded these beliefs in the populace.

通过大众媒体、学校、工人组织和社区组织进行着系统的意识形态灌输。Indoctrination was carried out systematically through the mass media, schools, and worker and neighborhood associations.

结果是,迄今为止,政府学校一直更多地是思想控制和教化,而鲜有真正的教育。To this end, government schools have always been more about mind control and indoctrination and seldom about real education.

所以这是一种心理教育——点滴教化——我想要她们目睹一个女人生产的景象。So it was with education in mind -- education with a whiff of indoctrination -- that I wanted them to see a woman give birth.

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他们喜欢视自己为手握“真理”的伽利略,勇敢地直面泛滥的伪科学浪潮。They love to see themselves as brave, "truth"-wielding Galileos standing up against a wave of pseudo-scientific indoctrination.

文章认为在以往的课堂教学中,教师一直在采用“填鸭式”“灌输式”的课堂教学模式。According to the article in the previous classroom teaching, teachers have been a spoon-fed indoctrination style of classroom teaching.

灌输还通过群众游行、集会和舞台表演进行,这些活动有时有几十万人参加。Indoctrination continued to involve mass marches, rallies, and staged performances, sometimes including hundreds of thousands of persons.