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金纳从牛痘中发展了一种疫苗。Edward Jenner developed a vaccine from cowpox.

一天一个女孩儿来看他,女孩儿手上有个牛痘疮。One day a girl came to see him who had a cowpox sore on her hand.

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牛痘苗从牛痘毒素提取的用来预防天花的疫苗。A vaccine prepared from the cowpox virus and inoculated against smallpox.

他生产出一种取自牛痘,即牛皮肤上的瘢痕的液体And he produced a fluid from cowpox lesions, so these were these lesions, these skin lesions on cows.

但是同我们之前曾讨论过的,牛痘病毒疫苗的不同之处在于,这是可以直接致病的病毒But unlike the Cowpox virus, vaccinea, that we talked about before, this is the real disease causing agent.

在医生琴纳的研究下把人痘术改进成牛痘术,实现了种痘术的第二次飞跃。Jenner Edward, an Enligh doctor improved the vaccination to cowpox vaccination, and accomplished the second leap of vaccination.

人在接过种后产生的抗体可以同时对牛痘病毒感染及其密切相关的天花病毒感染起到保护作用。The vaccinated person developed antibodies which protected both against the cowpox infection and against the closely related virus that caused smallpox.

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由无害的牛痘预防致命的天花这一发现产生了接种,从而消灭了肆虐西方世界的天花。From the discovery that harmless cowpox gave protection against deadly smallpox came vaccination and the end of smallpox as a scourge in the Western world.

在西方世界里,从发现种致使的牛痘能抵抗天花的那一刻起,天花就不再是一种灾难性的疾病。From the discovery that harmless cowpox gave protection against deadly smallpox came vaccination and the end of smallpox as a scourge in the western world.

在正痘病毒属还有另外几种病毒对人具有一定的感染性,如痘苗病毒、牛痘病毒和猴痘病毒。Variola virus belongs to the genus of orthopoxvirus, and there are some other infectious members, such as Vaccinia virus, cowpox virus, and monkeypox virus.

但是导致天花的人痘病毒,和导致牛痘,的牛痘病毒,后来发现其实是,我们现在知道,这两种病毒在分子水平上十分相似But variola, which causes smallpox in humans, and vaccinia, which causes a disease called cowpox in cattle, turned out to be, we now know, viruses that are molecularly very similar.

就是这样,他从奶牛身上的,天花瘢痕中取出液体,将之注入他的妻儿体内,认为这样可以保护他们不得天花,即使他们并不像农民一样时时与奶牛接触Right. So, he took fluid from a cowpox lesion on a cow, and he injected it into his children and his wife, reasoning that this would protect them from disease, even though they didn't have as much contact with cows as farmers did.

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当你从奶牛上得到脓液,并把脓液注射到想受到保护的,人的皮肤下面,然后在你注射的地方,你会看到像天花或者牛痘一样的病变When you would take the fluid from the cow, and you would inject it underneath the skin of a person you wanted to protect, then at that site where you injected it, you would get a lesion that looked like a smallpox or cowpox lesion.