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在理工大学之外,似乎弥漫着一种威胁的空气。There's an air of menace outside the Polytechnic.

古费拉克,你去看看综合工科学校的那些同学。Courfeyrac, you will see the polytechnic students.

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此外,在理工大学墙外又一次爆发冲突。And clashes erupted once again outside the Polytechnic.

她在曼彻斯特工艺专科学校就读,准备毕业后做老师。She was trained as a teacher at Manchester Polytechnic.

我叫李明,去年毕业于三门峡职业技术学院。I'm Li Ming graduated from Sanmenxia Polytechnic last year.

班农在弗吉尼亚理工学院学习城市事务专业。Bannon studied urban affairs at Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

南加州大学建筑学院,洛杉矶,加州。Virginia Polytechnic institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia.

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弗吉尼亚理工学院和州立大学,布莱克斯堡,弗吉尼亚。Virginia Polytechnic institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia.

义安理工学院开放,三天精彩活动源源不断!The 3 day Ngee Ann Polytechnic Open House is full of fun filled activities!

他曾被苏黎世工艺学校逐出校门并拒其入学。He was expelled and was refused admittance to the Zurich Polytechnic School.

弗吉尼亚理工学院和州立大学,布莱克斯堡,弗吉尼亚。Virginia a Polytechnic institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia.

大专学历,优秀的可放宽到高中或中专学历。College degree holder. Outstanding high school or polytechnic school graduates.

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我现在是河南职业技术学院工商管理系商务英语专业的一名大二的学生。Now, I'm a sophomore, majoring in Business English of Henan Polytechnic College.

伦斯勒理工学院在全美大学中排名第41位。Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ranks 41 in America's Best National Universities.

T是瑞士洛桑的联邦理工学校的研究者。Tavella is a researcher at the Federal Polytechnic School in Lausanne, Switzerland.

郑静波先生1997年毕业于香港理工大学室内设计专业学士学位。The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, with a bachelor degree in Art Design in 1997.

他甚至没有通过苏黎世工艺学校的入学考试。He did not even pass the entrance examination to get into Zurich Polytechnic School.

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我上午9点去理工专科学校上网,有时在网上呆到晚上9点。I'd go to polytechnic and log on at 9 a.m. and sometimes I'd stay online until 9 at night.

李楠来自湖北理工学院,管理系教师。Nan Li, Master of Business Management, is an instructor from Hubei Polytechnic University.

1月28日,10名学生从乌拉尔工学院出发,开始他们的冬季徒步旅行征程。On Jan. 28, 10 students from the Ural Polytechnic Institute set off for some winter hiking.