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这样,他的朱颜是古代的图志。Thus is his cheek the map of days outworn.

但是你不必继续用这些人的陈旧愿景模型了。But you need not follow their outworn models.

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他因不停的疼痛已精疲力尽了。He had been outworn with His ceaseless pains.

你是怎样用单一落后的价值观催眠自己的?How are you hypnotizing yourself with outworn repetitious values.

但他们的努力始终局限于过时的传统模式内。But their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition.

我们知道,我们已然陈旧的程序不足以满足时代的需要。We understand that outworn programs are inadequate to the needs of our time.

在陈腐而残酷的眼睛监视下,在叹息和沮丧中,小孩子们度过白天。Under a cruel eye outworn. The little ones spend the day, In sighing and dismay.

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提出研究性课堂教学的命题,是对陈腐、僵化教学模式的挑战。The presentation of CTR issue is a challenge to the outworn and rigid teaching pattern.

他们也的确作了努力,但是他们的努力脱不开过时传统的巢臼。True they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition.

当然,他们做了努力,但是他们努力的方式建立在一个捉襟见肘的传统上。True, they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition.

的确,他们也曾努力过。但是,他们用的是一种完全过时的传统方法。True, they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition.

月蚀对于寻找弱点和对于陈腐的状况连根拔起是非常有效的。Eclipses are very effective in finding weak, outworn situations and in uprooting them in the blink of an eye.

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与众不同的是,这栋陈旧的法式建筑上竟贴满了7亿多块中国古代瓷片。What's unusual about it is that there are more than 700 million ancient Chinese ceramic chips tiled all over its outworn walls.

他对文章礼仪也很精通,只是性情迁腐迟钝,看上去就像个老学究。Though proficient in literature and etiquette, he was stubbornly adherent to outworn rules. Being impractical and dull, he looked just like an old pedant.

只有一只声音嘶哑的芦雀,在河边的树丛中用悲伤机械的音调向她打招呼,就像一个已经没有了友谊的从前的朋友向她打招呼的声音一样。Only a solitary cracked-voiced reed-sparrow greeted her from the bushes by the river, in a sad, machine-made tone, resembling that of a past friend whose friendship she had outworn.

我个人觉得如果我们仍然抱残守缺的认为做做门面工夫,建立更多现代化建筑及工程等来麻痹人民的思想是非常不智的。I personally feel that if we are still of the view that masses outworn window-dressing, and the establishment of more modern construction and engineering to numb people's minds is very unwise.

本人从战略角度出发,破除陈腐观念,树立进取思想,志在提高业内人士的理论水平和思想水平,推动摔跤事业的发展。From the strategy, We should get rid of the outworn idea, set up the enterprising thought, increase the personages theories level and thought level, and push the development of the nelson business.

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同时还有弗拉米尼和卡拉泽也未能确定是否能安排出赛,而在周日晚对巴里的比赛中被替换下场内斯塔和博列洛将会无条件首发。Also Flamini and Kaladze aren't sure to be disposable for the match, while Nesta and Borriello, both outworn after Sunday night game in Bari, are going to be on the play field from the start anyway.