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因此,我想说的是SCA与JEE是合作而非竞争关系。So I'd say that SCA works with JEE rather than competing.

活动场地是很整齐也很近智勋的所以看来我们可以在那里一起活动。The venue is neat and also near to Jee Hoon so it seems that we can do it together.

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怎麽声音这麽熟,细听下才知道眼前人就是志勋!This voice sounds so familiar and as I listen more carefully I find that it's Jee Hoon !

不同时期,不同地方,不同的人捐造的济公像。Group of Duke Jee donated and made by different people in difference place of different times.

对比你在JEE平台中已经获得的东西和ESB能带给你的东西很有价值。It's worth contrasting what you've already got in the JEE platform with what an ESB would give you.

对于那些过度使用完全JEE解决方案的地方,可以提供一站式优雅的轻量级企业服务支持。State-of-the-art lightweight enterprise stack for those cases where a full JEE solution would be an overkill

根据菲律宾的新闻报道,这名商人是池益洲,他被警方带走并很快被杀害。The businessman, Jee Ick-joo, was picked up by police and quickly killed, according to news reports in the Philippines.

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晚会的小结,JBI2.0是需要的,而且是JEE的重要附加物。The general conclusion from the entire JBI evening was that JBI 2.0 is needed and will be an important addition to the JEE platform.

Warbler拥有简单的命令行操作界面以及灵活的配置方式,这使得在JEE服务器上部署Rails应用到JRuby中变得更加容易。Warbler's simple command line interface and flexible configuration should make deployment of Rails application to JRuby on a JEE server easier.

你将在那儿找到该Grails应用的完整源代码——一个使用这些实体Bean的简单JEE应用——以及其它有用的东西。There you'll find the complete source code for the Grails application, a sample JEE application that uses these entity beans, and other useful artifacts.

在IT行业从存储过程转移到如JEE这样的企业技术过程中,对构建数据在“云中”的新应用的管理更方便了。The IT industry moved from stored procedures to enterprise technologies like JEE to enable easier management of building new applications where the data is in 'the cloud'.

首先是基于Hyperic的SpringSource应用管理套件,该套件可与Spring支持的所有JEE应用服务器协同工作。The first of these is the SpringSource Application Management Suite which is based on Hyperic. It is designed to work with all of the JEE application servers supported by Spring.