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不过一般说来,我们所有人都是以比喻的方式使用这个单词。Figuratively we all use the word.

我突然发现“控制自己的出口”从喻意方面来说也是正确的。It occurs to me that "Control your exit" is advice that's figuratively true, too.

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在BTC时代,不论从字面上还是从形象上,阿塞拜疆都成为了一个贯通中西的国家。In the BTC era, Azerbaijan is literally and figuratively a nation between East and West.

她们的电影名副其实的为整整一代人展开了一个全新的世界。Their movies literally and figuratively opened up a whole new world to an entire generation.

当您在口中尝到苦味的时候,您会有一种强烈的、类似于被叮咬了一口的感觉。When you have a bitter taste in your mouth there is a sharp sensation that figuratively bites.

金鱼缸,用来比喻没有隐私的环境和处境。The transparent goldfish bowl figuratively describes an environment in which there is no privacy.

“无论从比喻意义还是从字面意义上讲”霍金说“伽利略都是第一个开始利用其眼睛的科学家。"Galileo", says Hawking, "was the first scientist to start using his eyes, both figuratively and literally.

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形象地说,这些前辈们早已被碾碎然后与诸多文化的根源搅和在一起。Figuratively speaking, of course, those fathers having long been ground up and turned into so much cultural mulch.

图1形象地说明了板块和经营区域包括在单一喷嘴发明的。Figure 1 figuratively illustrates the sections and operating zones included in a single injector of the invention.

这个结构意味着technology可以被象征性地翻译为“有关艺术的知识”。This construct means that technology could be figuratively translated to mean “the field of knowledge about the art.”

作为一名报社记者,尽管我非常热爱我的工作,但我决不会因为拼命工作而把自己送进“坟墓”里,无论是字面义还是比喻义。As much as I love my job as a newspaper reporter, I will never work myself into the ground, literally or figuratively.

医生太太是一位满头银发的小妇人,梳妆整齐,面色红润。她一见面就喜欢上了安妮,那种喜爱溢于言表。Mrs. Doctor was a trim rosy-cheeked, silver-haired little lady who took Anne at once to her heart, literally and figuratively.

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“卡西诺戏院将在夏季上演一出戏,”她出去打听了一下情况后,宣布说,“我们试试去那里找个角色。”"They're putting on a summer play at the Casino, " she announced, after figuratively putting her ear to the ground. "Let's try and get in that. "

说得形象些,我选举期间的24-27日的日程安排已经使我衣带渐宽,身心憔悴。我说,假如我们边吃午饭边继续讨论,你不介意吧?Figuratively speaking, my 24-27 schedule during this election has emaciated me, I said. Would you mind if we continued this discussion over lunch?

在此课件中,一个由三原子组成的双分子反应体系的位能面被形象地表达出来。In this MCAI course ware, the potential energy surface of a bimolecular reaction system that is composed of three atoms has been described figuratively.

以前的生意场上,买卖双方拍一下木板表示成交,如今“拍板”比喻做出决断。It is an old custom in business circle that both sides should strike a plank to mean a deal was clinched. Now used figuratively to mean a final decision was made.

“这个31岁的人,在她成年后未做过任何体检”,奥兹医生说,“她从未让任何人走入过自己的内心,毫不夸张地打个比方说,她一直隐藏在那堆脂肪后面。"At 31, she had never had any medical test done in her adult life," he said. "She had never let anyone under her skin, but figuratively and literally, and hid behind that fat.

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“这个31岁的人,在她成年后未做过任何体检”,奥兹医生说,“她从未让任何人走入过自己的内心,毫不夸张地打个比方说,她一直隐藏在那堆脂肪后面。"At 31, she had never had any medical test done in her adult life, " he said. "She had never let anyone under her skin, but figuratively and literally, and hid behind that fat.

普吉岛绵延无尽的金黄沙滩早已成为泰国狗狗的天堂——不过现在这颗“安达曼海上的珍珠”也已成为猎犬聚居地。Phuket’s endless stretches of bleach-blonde sand have long been Thailand’s pet paradise – figuratively speaking – but now the ‘pearl of the Andaman’ has become a hotspot for hounds too.

莱维图斯在马里兰州的银春市一座普通政府办公楼上班,他的工作使他经常回到数十年前频繁往返海上的船舶驾驶室,从船舶的航海日志里查看温度读数。But his work frequently transports him — at least figuratively — back to the helms of ships that plied the seas many decades ago. He's looking at temperature readings from the ship's logbooks.