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而现在的鲸鱼座的规格。And now for the specs of the Cetus.

Menkar星是鲸鱼座中最亮的恒星。Menkar is the brightest star in Cetus.

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进入卡拉斯的办公室,寻找出一些关于秘密计划的情报。Break into Karras' office and find some information on the Cetus Project.

现在让我们来了解下鲸鱼座吧,来看看蒭藁增二在未来几个月的情况。Come to know the constellation Cetus now, and watch Mira in the months to come.

天囷一是鲸鱼座中最亮的星星,距离地球约220光年。Menkar is the brightest star in Cetus. It's located about 220 light-years away.

上周在鲸鱼座发现的这颗彗星将在它接近太阳的过程中不断变亮。The comet spotted last week in the constellation Cetus should continue to brighten as it approaches the Sun.

今天星图指向十月份鲸鱼座所在的东南方向的夜空。Today's chart looks southeast on October evenings. That's where you'll find the constellation Cetus the Whale.

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这包括谢普里超星系团,这是由部分双鱼座-鲸鱼座超星系团和部分时钟-网罟座超星系团组成。These include the Shapley Supercluster of galaxies, part of the Pisces- Cetus Supercluster, and part of the Horologium-Reticulum Supercluster.

Menkar位于鲸鱼座的头部,它就像一个倒向一边的五边形,同时它也是鲸鱼座中最容易辨认的部分。Menkar resides in the Head of the Whale, which is shaped like a lopsided pentagon and which is generally the easiest part of Cetus to identify.

南鱼座α星的东面是另一个巨大的暗星座—鲸鱼座,它仅仅有一颗明亮的恒星,鲸鱼座β星,象征着鲸鱼的尾巴。To the east of Fomalhaut is another huge dim constellation, Cetus the Whale, with the only other brightish star in the area, Deneb Kaitos, which means the tail of the whale.

现在渐渐了解了鲸鱼座,就在即将来临的月份里认真观察苧藁增二吧,随着它的光亮逐渐增强,说不定哪个晚上你就可以用肉眼看到它了。Come to know the constellation Cetus now, and watch Mira in the months to come. One night, as this wonderful star steadily increases in brightness, you'll see Mira pop into view!