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他们坚称,他们在欧加登地区是为了调查一家瑞典石油公司的做法。The pair maintain they were in the Ogaden to investigate the activities of a Swedish oil firm.

埃塞俄比亚人并不控制欧加登,而且我们已经警告过中国人,我们不会允许他们在那里钻探。The Ethiopians do not control the Ogaden and we have warned the Chinese that we will not allow them to drill there.

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“在索马里和埃塞俄比亚的奥加登地区,数以百万计的人在遭受痛苦,这是一个被忘记的悲剧,”罗斯称。"The situation in Somalia and Ethiopia's Ogaden region, where millions are suffering, is a forgotten tragedy," said Roth.

比尔特曾经是一家瑞典石油公司的董事会成员,这家公司一度和欧加登地区的石油勘探有间接关系。Bildt formerly served on the board of a Swedish oil firm that at one time had indirect ties to oil exploration in the Ogaden.

在索马里和埃塞俄比亚东部奥加登地区严重的人权践踏使人道主义危机恶化。Grave human rights abuses are fueling the worsening humanitarian crisis in Somalia and the Ogaden region of eastern Ethiopia.

该报告说,严重侵犯人权行为助长了在索马里的人道主义危机和欧加登地区在埃塞俄比亚东部,在那里数以百万计的人民正在受苦受难。The report said grave human rights abuses have fueled humanitarian crises in Somalia and the Ogaden region in Eastern Ethiopia, where millions of people are suffering.

这两名新闻从业人员马丁·希比耶和约翰·珀森,星期二在法庭上告诉三名法官,他们前往叛军出没的奥加登地区,是为了调查瑞典石油公司伦丁石油公司的行为。Journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson told a three-judge panel Tuesday they had gone to the insurgency-wracked Ogaden region to investigate the activities of a Swedish oil firm.

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欧加登民族解放阵线已警告外国石油公司,“那些相信埃塞俄比亚政府安全保证的公司在欧登加的石油投资都会遭受类似的损失”。ONLF has warned foreign oil companies that "oil investments in Ogaden will result in a similar loss for any firm that believes assurances of security it receives from the Ethiopian government".

埃塞俄比亚政府发言人希梅利斯。凯末尔在电话中对美国之音表示,政府根据一项新的反恐法律起诉这两名记者。这项法律把欧加登国民解放战线定为恐怖组织。Government spokesman Shimeles Kemal told VOA by phone that the journalists were charged under a new anti-terrorism law that names the rebel Ogaden National Liberation Front as a terrorist group.

两名瑞典记者在埃塞俄比亚法庭上说,当他们在奥加登地区和叛军一同被捕时,是在为他们职业的最高传统标准尽责。Two Swedish journalists have told an Ethiopian court they were upholding the highest traditions of their profession when they were arrested in the company of rebels in the restive Ogaden region.