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你去哪里,妈妈?Where to mama?

我的妈呀,救命啊。My mama ah, help.

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早上好,妈妈。Good morning, Mama.

我又去找了妈妈。I went again to Mama.

妈妈,要梨还是要葡萄?A pear or a grape, Mama?

弗洛伊,我看见过妈妈没有?Floy, did I ever see Mama?

生日快乐,我最亲爱的美女。Happy b'th day, dear Mama.

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我爱妈妈做的蛋糕。I love mama patting a cake.

今天的特菜如何,妈妈?How's today's special, Mama?

妈妈,是桑嘎,是他。Mama it's sangha . It's him.

小羊跟妈妈学样。Baby goats follow mama goats.

中国还有个彭麻麻?。China a also has a Peng Mama.

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鸭妈妈孵出了9只小丫丫。Mama duck hatched 9 ducklings.

是出赛的马,林蒙。Oh, lemon , mama is run horse.

我又开始缠着妈妈。I started pestering Mama again.

这个熊的乡校看起来很美好。What will school be like, Mama?

您把我的妈妈怎么搞的?What have you done with my Mama?

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他们把我妈妈怎么搞的?What have they done with my Mama?

一只鸭妈妈坐在叶间。A mama duck sits among the leaves.

豆豆,亲爱的宝贝,妈妈爱你。Doudou, my honey , mama loves you!