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转向架上的每个动轴均由一台牵引电动机驱动。Each bogie on the driving shaft by a traction motor drive.

那么打高尔夫球的人对海滨雀稗评价如何呢?So do golfers rate seashore paspalum as a birdie or a bogie?

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内侧轴箱式转向架是一种新型结构模式的转向架。The inside axle box type bogie is a bogie with new type of structure.

铁路货车提高速度和增大轴重的关键是转向架。The key of acceleration and adding axle load of freight car is bogie.

给出了测试地铁转向架平稳度的完整方案。The full project about measuring the stability of metro bogie was presented.

这是谁提出了转向架的根本错误的一块车站没有手电筒。It was Bogie who had made the fundamental mistake to piece a station with no flashlight.

本文推荐一种函数化了的转向架牵引中心高寻优算法。The article recommends a functionized high-grade method for traction center of the bogie.

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这时就可以检修转向架上的电动机、轮对和其他部件,需要时可以将他们从转向架上拆下。Motors, wheels and other items can then be worked on or removed from the bogie as necessary.

然后再吊起车辆的另一端,推出另一个转向架后,将车体落在第二个支架上。Then the other end is lifted, the bogie rolled clear and the body lowered onto two more stands.

结果表明,抗侧滚扭杆弹簧对该转向架的意义是显著的。It is, therefore, necessary for the high speed bogie to install the artiroll torsion bar spring.

转向架是旅客列车的重要部件之一,其结构是否合理直接影响整车的性能。The bogie is an important part of a vehicle, its structure effects the passenger cars performance.

他是不能指望用他那只可怕的猎狗,象弄死老伯父那样地吓死亨利爵士的。He could not hope to frighten Sir Henry to death as he had done the old uncle with his bogie hound.

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采用机器人焊接内燃机车转向架构架是该企业的重要技改项目之一。Using robot welding plant diesel locomotive bogie frame is one of the important technology projects.

多数类型的上触式集电靴被在转向架的轴套之间的一个悬挂杆吊着。Most types of top contact shoes simply hang from a beam suspended between the axleboxes of the bogie.

轮对是机车走行部的重要部件,是影响列车安全运行的主要因素之一。Wheel is the most important component of vehicle bogie and the mostly factor of vehicle running safety.

点的位置也相应改变,这对于改进导柱的设计,提高导柱的寿命,具有实际参考意义。The results have a great significance to improve the design and life of the directing pole of the bogie.

有一天,他被妖怪追赶躲进神社,不小心打破了一只强大妖怪斑的封印。One day, He is pursued by a bogie and hid in a shrine. He breaks a powerful bogie's seal whose name is Ban.

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分析结果表明跨坐式独轨车辆的转向架存在不稳定的蛇行运动,其临界速度取决于转向架本身的结构及参数。It has been shown that there is unstable hunting in the monorail car which inheres with the bogie structure.

机车转向架横向弹性连接装置是减少轮缘磨耗的主要措施。Lateral elastic coupling device of the locomotive bogie is a main provision of decreasing wheel flange wear.

城市轨道车辆转向架测试系统主要对加速度、应变和电压进行测试。The main test signals of urban track vehicle bogie measurement system are accelerations, strains and voltages.