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肌肉系统应检查其大小、度及柔韧性。The musculature should be examined for size, strength, and tenderness.

狗类甚至会在深情注视的同时让面部肌肉系统呈现特殊的运动。Dogs add to their soulful stare a distinctive mobility of facial musculature.

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支配咽肌的运动神经元位于疑核,控制凝核的前运动神经元位于孤束核。The motor neurons of pharyngeal musculature are located in the nucleus ambiguus.

本文是金丝猴面肌的首次记述。This paper is the first information on the facial musculature of Snub-nosed monkey.

布鲁斯说,洗澡能放松你的肌肉组织,增加你的核心体温。Breus said the bath will relax your musculature and increase your core body temperature.

平衡的身体结构和平滑的肌肉组织,使他的动作轻松而敏捷。The balanced structure and the smooth musculature enables it to move with ease and agility.

膀胱憩室是膀胱黏膜由膀胱壁肌肉层膨出所造成。Bladder diverticula are herniations of the bladder mucosa through the bladder wall musculature.

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然而,其面部表情却可能逐渐在面部肌肉中根深蒂固。Rather, the use of certain expressions can become ingrained in the musculature of the face over time.

总体而言,阿克哈-特克应该给人以轻盈的运动天赋没有过多的肌肉的印象。Overall, the Akhal-Teke should give the impression of lithe athleticism without excessive musculature.

这是由于肌肉组织和颈部及头部外型的遗传有很大的区别所致。This hereditary condition causes huge differences in the musculature and shape of the neck and the head.

阻力感与肌肉收缩的分布上的一个特别的错误同时发生。The sensation of resistance coincide with a particular fault in the distribution of contraction in the musculature.

新握克了已证实对平滑肌痉挛引起的病症有预防和治疗作用。Octinum D has proved effective in the prophylaxis and therapy of disorders arising from spasm of the smooth musculature.

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此外,尚有经络系统的附属部分包括十二皮部和十二经筋。In addition, there are the subsidiary parts of the meridian system, including the twele skin zones and twele musculature zones.

此外,尚有经络系统的附属部分包括十二皮部和十二经筋。In addition, there are the subsidiary parts of the meridian system, including the twelve skin zones and twelve musculature zones.

咀嚼肌群对于纵向颜面型态的影响,往往密不可分,一直是为医师们所感兴趣的。The relationship between facial morphology in vertical dimension and masticatory musculature are always interested by orthodontists.

当患者需要进行术后外括约肌收缩训练时,他们可以收缩提肛肌。When patients are instructed to perform sphincter exercises postoperatively, they are actually contracting the levator ani musculature.

目的研究单侧完全性唇裂鼻部肌肉缺损与鼻端中线结构移位与畸形的关系。Objective This study was to investigate the nasal musculature and its relationship with the deformities of the unilateral cleft lip nose.

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由于输尿管是不规则螺旋形走向,肌内成份的牵张使输尿管延长及增宽。Because the ureteral musculature runs in an irregular helical pattern, stretching of its muscular elements leads to lengthening as well as widening.

膈肌虽然不会和腰肌一样把脊柱拉离正位,但是它也会惹起支撑肌肉的不平衡。Iliacus does not have the same track record of pulling the spine out of alignment, but it, too, is affected by imbalances in the supporting musculature.

很多交流障碍是由于发音肌瘫痪,软弱,不协调或认知功能障碍。There are a variety of disorders of communication that may be due to paralysis, weakness, or incoordination of the speech musculature or to cognitive impairment.