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将一株树连根拔除需要一分钟左右。Time required to uproot a tree is about a minute.

大象的长鼻强壮得足以将树木连根拔起。The trunk of an elephant is powerful enough to uproot trees.

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他们还连根拔起的树木,通过它们的粪便和植物种子。They also uproot trees, and plant seeds through their droppings.

大象能够拔起大树,或者摘下小花而不损伤花瓣。An elephant can uproot a tree or pick a flower without bruising a petal.

希望她赚取更多的钱,能够成功解决难题,铲除一切顽症!Earn more money and be able to manage the affairs and uproot any problems!

以色列已经证明,它可以也愿意要清除西岸的那些定居点,就像他们在加沙所做的一样。Israel has proved that it can and will uproot settlements, as it did in Gaza.

毒草让它出来,然后锄掉,锄倒可以作肥料。Let poisonous weeds sprout, then uproot them and plough them under for manure.

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我一时可对一个民族,或一个国家,决意要拔除,要毁坏,要消灭。Sometimes I threaten to uproot and tear down and destroy a nation or a kingdom.

联合国难民署的代表格铎说,绝大多数的索马里人不愿离乡背井。UNHCR Representative Geddo says most Somalis are reluctant to uproot themselves.

同样地,经过非反应式地看见自己的瞋恚或贪爱,我们也会决心将之连根拔除。Likewise, through non-reactively witnessing our anger or greed, we may decide to uproot them.

巴斯确实也有后院,不过她没打算短期内把菜园拔了重种Bass does have a backyard, but she has no plans to uproot and replant her garden back there any time soon

克林斯曼日前已经拒绝了接替穆里尼奥位置的机会,原因是他不原意放弃美国的家庭。Klinsmann has rejected the chance to replace Jose Mourinho because he does not want to uproot from his home in America.

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如果我们所面临的境况确实是这样,那么,对于可能在我们思想中扎根的那些好战倾向,不管是什么,我们都设法将它连根拔起,我想没有比这更有好处的事情了。If this is what we are up against, it won't do much good to try to uproot whatever war-like inclinations may dwell within our minds.

对于一些在国外永久性定居的科学家,这些激励措施还不足以让他们离开并回国定居。For some academics who have settled comfortably abroad, the incentives are not quite enough for them to uproot and resettle back home.

第三百五十一条非法种植罂粟、大麻等毒品原植物的,一律强制铲除。Article 351 Whoever illegally cultivates mother plants of narcotic drugs, such as opium poppy and marijuana, shall be forced to uproot them.

方璐往往通过后期制作的干扰和重设事件发生的时间次序,进一步放弃了录像作为一种忠实的、在场的记录性工具的主导作用。To further uproot the idea of video as a faithful recording tool, Fang would usually rework the sequence of events in her videos through editing.

随后,在“务获严办”、“务绝根株”的圣谕之下,清政府在全国范围追剿王觉一及其徒众。From then on, the Qing government pursued Wang Jueyi and his followers in accordance with Emperor Guangxu's edict to "severely punish" and "uproot" them.

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以色列外长利夫尼星期天表示,作为以色列与巴勒斯坦人达成和平协议的一部分,以色列可能会拆除它在约旦河西岸的一些定居点。Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni indicated Sunday Israel may uproot some of its West Bank settlements as part of a peace accord with the Palestinians.

但是其他人谴责这个交易,因为新殖民主义的土地掠夺毁坏了村庄,赶走了成千上万的农民,带来了一大堆混乱的没有土地的穷人。But others condemn the deals as neocolonial land grabs that destroy villages, uproot tens of thousands of farmers and create a volatile mass of landless poor.

非法种植罂粟或者其他毒品原植物,在收获前自动铲除的,可以免除处罚。Pers who illegally cultivate opium poppy or any mother plants of other narcotic drugs but voluntarily uproot them before harvest may be exempted from punishment.