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轰的一声,敌人的碉堡给炸飞了。The enemy pillbox was blown up with a bang.

我们跟他说把某个碉堡炸飞。We told him to pick out a pillbox and left fly.

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德国碉堡上的强项WN72位于88毫米枪。German pillbox for 88mm gun located on strong point WN72.

当到了吃药时间时,它就会响声并闪光提示。When it is time to take them, the pillbox beeps and flashes.

一个无线智能药片盒提醒她别忘了吃今天的维他命。A wireless smart pillbox reminds her to take her daily vitamins.

小礼帽、包包点缀运用粉红色,春天色彩来得如此生动。Little pillbox hat, purses using pink, spring colour ornament come so vivid.

哈斯顿品牌开始出售了名人主创的设计,并为杰奎琳肯尼迪做了碉堡帽Halston initiates celebrity-led design, creating the pillbox hat for Jackie Kennedy.

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饭后,人客还可以从丸药盒里取食糖果。After meal, the guest returns back to fruit being able to fetch sugar from the pillbox li.

距离跑道南端大约2.5公里处,有一座吊钟型碉堡,这应该是大肚山飞行场仅存的遗迹。About 2.5 km south of the runway, there is a pillbox. This is probably the only thing that was left.

德国碉堡的奥马哈海滩作为美军指挥所服务,在入侵的初期。German pillbox on Omaha Beach serving as a US Army command post, during the early days of the invasion.

她穿着印花外套,戴着别有面纱的筒状女帽,就像从四十年代的电影里走出来的人。She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940s movie.

如果你可以给一个步兵连三小时时间去占领一个位于险要地点的碉堡,他们是会进入阵地拿下碉堡的。You can give an infantry company three hours to take a pillbox in a tough spot and they'll go in and take it.

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这个是按伦敦的一个环行楼梯做的。用了三个药盒再加上其他。This one here is based on a circular stairway in an old building in London. It uses three pillbox hats one on top of the other.

银色外套的一侧肩膀上没有穿轻骑兵皮上衣,然而一个奇怪的矮帽别在了她的深黑色头发上。Not in a silver dress with a hussar's pelisse worn on one shoulder, and a strange little pillbox hat pinned to her deep-black hair.

“猎虎”战术上最好的战术用途是伪装防御碉堡,这样使它发挥它最大的作战潜力。Jagdtigers best tactical use was as a well camouflaged static defense pillbox allowing it to use its armament to its full potential.

一个无线智能药片盒提醒她别忘了吃今天的维他命。一个她玩单词和数字游戏的电脑记录下她今天的分数。A wireless smart pillbox reminds her to take her daily vitamins. A computer on which she plays specific word and number games tracks her daily scores.

杰奎琳服装中最知名的是她端庄贤淑的小礼帽和西装裙,在当时黑白电视背景下,她明智地选择了浅色衣服,而且她也敢于穿私校式样的短裤。Best known for her ladylike pillbox hats and skirt suits, she chose pale colours that would look good in black-and-white and wasn't afraid to take risks in preppy cropped pants.

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但是,迈耶斯女士说,有时也会出现手忙脚乱的时候,那就是当她母亲的日常安排发生了变化,而他们却忘了重设药箱程序。But “what does get us into hairy, difficult emotional ground,” Ms. Meyers said, is when her mother’s daily routine changes and her children neglect to reprogram the pillbox to keep up with the shift.

但是,迈耶斯女士说,有时也会出现手忙脚乱的时候,那就是当她母亲的日常安排发生了变化,而他们却忘了重设药箱程序。But “what does get us into hairy, difficult emotional ground, ” Ms. Meyers said, is when her mother’s daily routine changes and her children neglect to reprogram the pillbox to keep up with the shift.