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可以在关系图中对说明进行重新定位。You can reposition the note within the diagram.

用于锁骨骨折的固定。Suitable for reposition and fixation of collarbone injury.

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我爬高并改平准备最后一个机动动作,即胡佛摇摆。I climb and reposition for my last maneuver, the Hoover Pitch.

调整组织的定位,以充分利用新兴机遇。Reposition your organization to take full advantage of emerging opportunities.

在进入中国时为产品重新定位或许是个好主意。It may be a good idea to reposition your products or services when entering China.

以复位尼日利亚的下游分部门,为提高效率和透明度。To reposition Nigeria's downstream sub-sector for improved efficiency and transparency.

穿戴时,先将两臂穿进肩带,再将两腿置入足部吊带布中并系紧。To reapply slip arms through shoulder straps, reposition legs into foot pieces and re-fasten.

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第二,建立了海上集装箱空箱调运优化模型。Secondly, the thesis constructs the optimization models of sea-bound empty container reposition.

他将负责试图重新定位托克品牌正面的公众形象。He will be in charge of attempts to reposition positive public perceptions of the Trafigura brand.

采用钢针撬拨复位克氏针内固定结合中药治疗51例。Method Treat 51 cases with internal fixation of steel needle pry-poking reposition and Chinese drug.

他试图换个抱法,把这个可怕的小东西放到一个踢得不那么痛的位置上。Of course Padme', he managed as he tried to reposition the squalling mass into a less painful position.

本手术的目的是针对14岁以上高度脱位并无法实施切开复位的病人。This operation was designed for high degree dislocation which can't be incised reposition patients over 14.

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结论新研制的CAMRS系统运行稳定有效,对睡眠干扰小。Conclusions CAMRS could reproductively and effectively reposition mandible with little sleeping disturbance.

在当今纷乱无序的环境下,领袖们在其职业生涯中将会有四到五次重新定位公司业务的机会。In today\\\'s tumultuous world, leaders may have to reposition a business four or five times in their career.

但最大的赢家将是那些能够顺应时势重新定位自身品牌的公司。But the biggest winners of all will be those who can reposition their brands to capture the mood of the times.

一个新的先进的软件可以计算C形臂在一个直觉的光学显示必要的移动。A newly developed software computed the necessary moves to reposition the C-arm on an intuitive visual display.

我们必须重新把SOA放在一个清晰的业务环境中进行讨论,抛弃那种为了SOA而SOA的想法。We must reposition the discussion of SOA into a clear business context and remove the emphasis on SOA for SOA’s sake.

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对公司来说,当外部环境发生改变、需要重新定位企业的时候,商业智慧最为重要。In companies, business acumen is crucial when the external world changes and there's a need to reposition the business.

但她也想知道,对这项运动的新定位是否会同时改变运动本身和它所代表的文化,一些使这项运动充满活力的元素也许还没有消失。But she wondered whether, in the push to reposition both the game and its culture, something vital might not have been lost.

作为1997年京都气候峰会的东道国,日本迫切希望将自己重新定位于气候变化防御战的前沿。As host of the Kyoto summit in 1997, Japan is keen to reposition itself at the forefront of the battle against climate change.