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主要发生在上颌切牙。DDE predominately appeared on maxillary incisors.

犁骨位于上颌骨及腭嵴之上。The vomer itself rests on the maxillary and palatine crest.

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上颌中切牙的短根牙比例相当高。The rate of short root was high in maxillary central incisors.

最编外牙位于上颌前地区。他们是按他们的形式和位置。Most supernumerary teeth are located in the anterior maxillary region.

严重的低拥挤与正常上颌牙弓和鼻唇角。Severe lower crowding with normal maxillary arch and nasolabial angle.

金牛山古智人化石有近完整之上颌牙列。Jinniushan archaic Homo sapiens has nearly complete maxillary dentition.

目的探讨霉菌性上颌窦炎的CT表现及诊断价值。Objective To evaluate CT diagnostic value in maxillary sinus asperillosis.

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目的了解上颌前牙根管弯曲情况。Objective To investigate root canal curvature in maxillary anterior teeth.

上颌窦口和上颌窦内的气体流速均较低。The airflow in the maxillary air sinus and by the maxillary hiatus was slow.

目的探讨上前牙阻生的治疗方法。ObjectiveTo discuss the methods for the impaction of maxillary anterior teeth.

目的对上颌窦真菌病的诊断及手术治疗方法进行探讨。Objective To evaluate the diagnosis and treatment on fungal maxillary sinusitis.

根据X片报告,我可以诊断您患了上颚窦炎。According to the X-ray report, I can say that you are having maxillary sinusitis.

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以上颌中切牙为解剖学基础,提出了仿生种植牙模型。This paper presents the bionic dental implant model of central maxillary incisor.

目的对上颌埋伏尖牙进行外科—正畸治疗。Objectives In order to treat maxillary impacted canines with surgery-orthodontics.

上颌牙的麻醉效果好于下颌牙。The anesthesia effect in maxillary teeth was better than that in mandibular teeth.

结果通过观测,确定了上、下颌牙麻醉点的解剖学定位。Results The anesthesia positions of maxillary and mandibular teeth were determined.

有时误称为上颌骨长度,当前颌骨进入上颌的时候。Sometimes miscalled maxillary length when the premaxilla enters into the upper jaw.

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上颌窦的内侧壁可以做为纸样板的标记。The medial wall of the maxillary sinus serves as a landmark for the lamina papyracea.

患者没有证据提示肺部曲霉菌感染,但是存在上颌窦炎症。The patient had no evidence of lung aspergillosis , but did have maxillary sinusitis.

内颔动脉出血是颅颜外伤病患严重的问题。Hemorrhage from the maxillary artery can be a serious problem in maxillo-facial injuries.