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我希望天能尽快放晴。I'm hoping to win scholarship.

奖学金?当然有,Scholarship? I'd say certainly,

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他可以申请奖学金.He can apply for the scholarship?

他没有获得奖学金。He failed to obtain a scholarship.

我想我的表需要修一下。I want to apply for a scholarship.

狄恩打算用功以得奖学金。Dean aim to study on a scholarship.

该如何申请此项奖学金?How do I apply for this scholarship?

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你什么样的奖学金都找得到。you can find almost any scholarship.

他是一位学识渊博的教师。He is a teacher of great scholarship.

我想要全额奖学金。I'd like to get the full scholarship.

弗格斯获得了上剑桥大学的奖学金。Fergus won a scholarship to Cambridge.

她的书是一部卓越的学术著作。Her book is a fine piece of scholarship.

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我申请了富布赖特奖学金,I have applied for Fulbright scholarship

1995年获系级奖学金。Scholarship from the department in 1995.

哈佛的奖学金体系是什么样的?How is the scholarship system in Harvard?

明年。我在巴黎有份奖学学习。Next year. I have a scholarship in Paris.

但这不会威胁到他的奖学金。But this does not vitiate his scholarship.

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他以治学严谨著称。He is noted for his meticulous scholarship.

1995年获系级奖学金。Scholarship from the depbeautyment in 1995.

我符合留英奖学金的资格吗?Do I qualify for the scholarship to England?