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我知道你会对此大吃一惊。I know, it's a shocker.

它连提名都没有,太令人震惊了。That it wasn't even nominated is a total shocker.

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结果是有点出乎意料,但我却不太吃惊。The result is quite a shocker but I am not surprised.

更令人震惊的是很多废品功能良好,其实根本没用过。Another shocker? A lot of that waste is perfectly functional.

他将是,“他说,”一个你们最意想不到,感到震惊的人物。It will be, " he said, "someone you least suspect, a shocker.

不用说,我认为它会在世界手机大会上不同凡响。Needless to say, I think it'll be a real shocker at Mobile World Congress.

震撼者也能调动一个诱饵信号弹,它能分散敌军目标电脑的注意力。The Shocker can also deploy a Decoy Flare that can distract enemy targeting computers.

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她刚刚过了怀孕12周还表示对于这次怀孕感到非常惊讶。She just passed her 12-week pregnancy mark and says this pregnancy was a total shocker.

这儿可没什么大刺激——一个喜欢“滚床单”的家伙总能拥有一个积极的社会生活。No big shocker here — a chick who enjoys twisting the sheets will always have a hopping social life.

新的臭氧计划对麻省理工学院的研究人员来说震动很大。The new ozone projection was a shocker even for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers who conducted it.

银发老人礼貌点了点头,估摸着卡巴顿也是一个可怕的家伙,然后,按原路返回。The old silver-haired man nodded politely, fixed Cal with another shocker shocked appraisal, and went back the way he'd come.

如果对自己思维压制地很少,那么对每个问题,你的诚实回答可能是“没有”。不过,你也许是发现了某件令人震惊的事情。If you have very little repressed mind matter, your honest answer to each question might be "nothing. " But you may uncover a shocker.

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这条新闻并没有让大家感到太惊讶。泰勒·摩森最近几集都没有出现,而在第四季,杰西卡·斯佐尔所扮演的角色就已经离开了纽约。The news may not come as a total shocker – Momsen, 17, hasn't appeared on many recent episodes, and in season 4 the character played by Szohr, 26, left town.

这有点儿让人意外,也许此类问题在百慕大邮局太突出了,他们早就用缩写“MTB——误投百慕大”来代称了。This is a bit of a shocker. Perhaps the problem is so advanced that in the Bermuda post office they have an abbreviated way of referring to these items as "MTBs."

陈医生发出邮件好多天后才收到两个回复,令人震惊的是,他把两个约会对象都拒绝了,因为她们不符合他的择偶超高标准。It's been a few days since Chynn sent the email, and he's only had two set-ups, and -- shocker -- he rejected both of them because they didn't meet his sky-high standards.

我举几个例子吧,在这个方面,很多人曾抗议,如果将生意和社会关系结合起来,就可以做成太多事了。But I'm just give you a couple of quick examples, we have shocker in this case is part of the demonstration that if you take business and society, you can do things that you neither can do.

另一个令人大跌眼镜的现象是大多数夫妇在感情危机出现的6年以后或者更久才寻求专业帮助,此刻为时晚矣!Another shocker is that most couples wait six years or more to seek professional help when their relationship is in danger. By the time they do wake up and smell the coffee, it's often too late.